Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I'm using our old computer today. It's WAY slow..almost not worth it. Geof.'s been taking the laptop to work leaving me computerless. Let's just say, it's WONDERFUL!! I get so much done. However, there's days like today where I have a ton to do and need to computer. Look at this sweet pic of Cole and Dayners. We're already missing summer around here. Shirtless days, bleached hair, and sunkissed skin free of cold sores (Geof., Cole, Dayne, and I have all been cursed with this nasty virus).
It's rainy and cold out and I'm really wishing it wasn't so the girls and I could be playing outside. I just got called to be the Stake Youth Choir Director and I'm terrified! We're singing for Christmas at the Richmond Metro Zoo (owned by members) and at a few other things throughout the year. I've never been a choir director before!! ....I'm excited, though. I also told the RS Pres. I would be happy to do "Women at the Well" in March. What was I thinking?! No, I do wanna do it.., but am a little scared. We'll be doing it in March, just like Le Anne did it, for the Relief Society birthday party. It's the perfect time of year to do it-close to easter.
As for our family, the kids are good. We're signing Cole up for soccer and basketball through YMCA and possibly dance for Dayne. We'll see. June's in and out of potty training. Not fun. Geof.'s been working very steadily which makes us happy. We've been minivan shopping and maybe house hunting soon. Who knows? We miss all of you-especially at this time of year. Come visit!


At 11:53 AM , Blogger Meags said...

holy cow darla you are really in the thick of it. your musical abilities are amazing and i am so excited for you to do all those things! i love music, it brings such a special spirit. mini-van shopping and house hunting super fun and super stressful, good luck! we miss you guys like crazy but if you think it is cold and rainy there you would be going crazy here (like i am).


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