Wednesday, September 08, 2010

So wise...

These are my parents. Mom and Dad. Aren't they cute? They are high school sweethearts, she was 14 and he was 16 when they made googley eyes at each other across the cafeteria at good ole Winlock High School. They got married the summer before her senior year and are just as goo-goo ga-ga in love now as they were when they met. That was 27 years ago. They are THE best... I might be biased... but seriously... the best.

And I'm really missing them right now.

It could be that I'm lonely, or sick, or far away, or homesick for beautiful Washington, or overwhelmed but I have been calling my mom A LOT! We have always been buddies, she is really my best friend (other than Brinders of course!). Well, I have been calling her and telling her just everything about the apartment horrors, looking for a new place, Brind's long work hours, Violet bouncing off the walls, wanting to find a mommy & me class, fighting with the apartment people, needing to wax my legs, being sick, wondering when I'll be able to clean the house, trying to get Violet to eat better, needing to get her and myself to the dentist, still trying to find an OB/GYN, boxes are waiting to be unpacked (or is it repacked?)... and just feeling crazy! Last night I was having a baaaaad night trying to get Violet down. I took her baba away because I don't want her to be dependent on it to go to sleep (or have rotten crooked teeth!). I called my mom at midnight (her time) while Violet protested in her crib and she gave me THE best advice I've ever heard. She said, "Now is not the time. Give that girl a bottle so YOU can go to bed. You'll have plenty of time to worry about that when you're feeling better, but right now you have to take care of you!" So I filled up a bottle and didn't hear a peep from the babe until this morning. The woman is so wise.

Sometimes when I think about EVERYTHING that needs to be tended to I feel like a failure because can never do it all. Today, I saw Violet schemering banana in her hair and thought, "That girl really needs a bath." but the tub is in the bathroom with the cat box and I know the sight/smell would send me over the edge. Now is not the time! Brind came home from work and loving bathed our little angel before bed. I so love my mom (and dad!) and treasure each little pearl of wisdom I glean from them.

Julia :)


At 11:52 AM , Blogger Darla said...

We can learn sooo much from those who came before us. Sometimes we are so stuck in the moment, wanting things to go a certain way, and we need someone (preferably someone we love and trust) to tell us what to do--what's BEST for us. Geof. does that for me, often. Love that boy. I'm so sorry you're sick and having a hard time out there! Take a road trip out to VA and we'll take care of you..??

At 1:09 PM , Blogger Meags said...

jules thanks for sharing about your mama. that was really sweet. isn't nice to have someone you can always rely on. i know we have our Heavenly Father, but its really nice to have a voice at the other end. too many times with Heavenly Father i am trying to figure out if it really is Him or just the voice in my head. and d it's so true we try to force things sometimes and it's just nice to have someone say "not now"

At 4:41 PM , Blogger Mindi said...

I'm so sorry for all that you are going through right now Julia, but so glad you are sharing with us so we can "comfort those who stand in need of comfort". Even if it is just me saying a little prayer for you as I read that post :). Yep, you'll do really well as a mom to master the "not now" mentality.

At 8:25 PM , Blogger Brind+Julia said...

Thanks for the good words ladies. I'm feeling really down :( I was kinda excited to move because I thought it would be an adventure... but, I'm really hating it.

At 9:02 PM , Blogger Jacki said...

Chin up, you can do this, we are women we are strong!!!! Kidding!!! As soon as you feel better everything will be OK. Pray a lot and have faith and things will turn out. Remember it is darkest just before the dawn!! I could keep going but I will stop. I know that you can do it, call me any time!!! Don't give up, you are there for a reason, someone out there needs you. I love you! Aunt Jack


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