Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pounding Rocks or Building a House of GOD

I  loved this story that was in my lesson Sunday:

A traveler passed a stone quarry and saw three men working. He asked each man what he was doing.  The first man answered, "I am cutting stone."  The second replied, "I am earning three gold pieces per day."  The third man smiled and said, "I am helping to build a House of God!"

I am convinced it is not so much what we do as the spirit in which we do it .  I was teaching about being a wife, mother, housekeeper, and  homemaker.  I used Brooke as an example building a haven for her family each time they moved within weeks of their arrival.  I remember them moving 5 times in an 18 month period...amazing!!!

When I stayed with Alicia and Kevin a year ago last Oct. I took a picture of her laundry room.  I wish I could post it. She has a framed picture of herself in her wedding dress.  She is stunning! (As are all you girls!)  She also has her college certificate of graduation framed and hanging there. The irony and humor were not lost on me.  She is such a funny kid!!!

Mike Eddington came to visit us a few days ago.  He has been a cop in Vegas now for a couple of years.  I asked him if he still liked people.  He said he does but he told me a few stories.  He told me he could arrest everyone he sees because they all have rap sheets and are doing something to violate their paroles.  He told me about all the woman that have 6,7,8, kids, each from a different father. They really don't know which one was the father, but each kid is worth a bigger welfare check.  Do these kids have a chance?  It sounded like the letters home from Adam on his mission to Detroit.

GOD must be doing the HAPPY DANCE, when he gets to send His spirit children down to your homes where they will be loved and nurtured and taught what is right by loving parents that are trying to be good people.

There are days it may feel like you are pounding rocks....but you are all building a HOUSE OF GOD!

I Love you and appreciate your efforts,
MOM, Aunt Le Anne, Whatever.....


At 7:47 AM , Blogger Jennifer said...

can I just say how much I appreciate your lesson on Sunday even though I wasn't there. It was exactly what Rhaevyn needed, and your little personal stories matched what she's been thinking and struggling with. I cannot thank you enough for teaching from your heart and following the Spirit.

At 6:54 PM , Blogger Darla said...

Thank you for sharing, Le Anne. I think we moms can be so hard on ourselves..the fact that we CARE SO MUCH is all the Lord wants! He also wants us to understand the Atonement enough to realize WE can't do it alone..and He WILL carry our burdens!

At 10:37 PM , Blogger Ellynn said...

I loved that lesson. It's so true. Some days I feel like I'm pounding rocks (or my head against a wall), some days I am earning my keep and other days I really catch the vision that I am building a family that will return to God's presence.


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