Thursday, April 19, 2012


Ruby has been screaming "I want a drink of WATER!" from her crib for the last 10 minutes. She's already had two glasses, I'm putting my foot down...but I can feel my brain cells diminishing from the abrasive sounds. Fortunately, when Tristan's head hits the pillow he is out and can sleep through almost anything. Oh now she burst into my room, demanded water, I caved, now there is silence. So, the are right Darla, I've slipped off the wagon but I'm going to jump back on. I think it all stems from getting released from YW two weeks ago then suddenly becoming busier than ever. I thought it would be the other way around, but I was wrong. The time of watering our lawn by hand has arrived. It takes over two hours, moving the sprinkler every 10 min. to get the whole thing done. Who has that kind of time? But Pop has aerated and fertilized and mowed and my only job is to keep the beast hydrated. It was strange to have Adam home this last shift and not have any big events planned. So I had a "honey-do" list ready and he got it all done. Love that guy. Like everyone else, we are swamped with end of the school year programs and field trips. I'm 99% sure we are going to switch our kids to a new school next year. It is a language immersion charter school and we'll put them in to learn Spanish. I wasn't going to do it because I love being able to walk or ride bikes to and from our current school, and this Global Village Academy is about 15 min. away. But Adam talked me into going to the info meeting on Wednesday night and I'm sold. They had all these amazing stats on academic performance of language immersion learning and since I believe everything I hear...but really I think it'll be a good change. One thing I'm really looking forward to is uniforms. No more fights with S&K about who gets to wear what. The principal described the uniforms as "fun and colorful". Adam describes them as "goofy pants and a dorky t-shirt". Apparently you have to buy dark blue or khaki pants from Wal-Mart and 5 colorful school t-shirts. Fine by me. Anyone else have kids at a uniform school? I think I'm going to like it. I look forward to learning Spanish along with the kids. It'll help for when Adam finally convinces me to jump ship and sail around the world (or at least South America). Happy Birthday, Aunt Jack & AJ!!
I couldn't find a picture of Aunt Jack or AJ, but here is a cute one taken in 2009.


At 3:24 PM , Blogger Darla said...

Cool! I'm so jealous! I really wish I could find another option for my kids' schooling! Can't wait to hear how it goes. :)

At 3:51 PM , Blogger Brooke said...

That sounds awesome! A great experience for all of you!

At 8:09 PM , Blogger Jacki said...

Thanks so much!!! Love you all!!!

At 8:29 AM , Blogger LeAnne said...

It will no doubt help upgrade Adam's Spannish too. I don't think they teach them the same words and phrases he knows and if they do and don't think you want that school!


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