Monday, October 22, 2012

Geof was right when he said my iPhone would replace my actual camera. Most of these pics will be a repeat to all of you..especially Ellynn who occasionally instagrams.😉 School is in session and we've had a nice start. Cole is playing soccer on just an okay team, but loves being the "leader" as he proudly admits his coach called him. Geof and I would like him to be pushed to improve, but this is what you get when you're not willing to do club/travel soccer. Dayne is signed up for dance for the first time, and not surprisingly, does NOT like it. Like her mother, she doesn't want to follow someone else's made up steps. Where's the fun in that?! Watching her is hilarious because she really does know how to move and dance naturally well, but is so robotic and stiff in her class. Yep, she'll be done in November. Dayne is most content at home in her own creative mind. Although the constant state of disarray that follows her drives us nuts, we can't help but think we'll be missing it all too soon.
June loves Kindergarten and is extremely social. Has no need for Mom lunch visits. She's even starting to show interest in reading and writing. Yay for peer pressure! ..and true to our obvious east coast adopted style, all three kids are "signed up" for this or that class...keeping us busy, but mostly happy. June's taking a music class that is just perfect for her. It's a program called Lets Play Music that was started in Arizona by I'm sure an LDS woman. Teaches kids music theory, how to harmonize, write your own music, etc. June loves it and I get to go with her two times a month. So cute.
I had my aunt and cousin in town last weekend which was a nice treat. Motivated me to get a few more house projects done. It's never ending of course. It also motivated Geof to give me the go-ahead on replacing our light blue, old man urine-stained bedroom carpet. Yippee! Can't wait.
My sister Amy and niece Lydia will be here on Thursday. Im so excited to have company! Our weather has been just wonderful-cool nights, leafs changing..fall is the best (no wait, Spring is..the girls and I deal with allergies this time of year).
Geof is busy, as usual, but is very happy with his current situation with work...which makes us ALL 😃.
I'm trying to figure out how to best spend my time (remember President Eyring's talk about his daughter-in-law and her prayer asking how she should fill her time? That's where I am..). I've substitute taught at a preschool, had a few quilting lessons (but really need to learn from the Best aka: Le Anne), but mostly just running all over the place in different directions connecting with people. Seem to always be drawn to socializing and helping others. I'm doing my last season of Stake Youth Choir-had to drop two songs that we were supposed to sing for Stake Conference in two weeks, but the youth weren't gettin it. Kind of stressed. Have one rehearsal left and hoping our two songs are as close to "good" as we can get! I'm sure they'll be fine. Geof and I love the youth in our Stake. Always praying and worrying about them. We had our second Trek family reunion that one of our "daughters" planned. Played "Late for Work". It was a blast!! Haven't laughed that hard in a while.


At 1:55 PM , Blogger Meags said...

I love your posts and your iPhone pics. That's as good as it gets at our house these days. When our car got broken into and Cory's laptop bag was stolen they got the camera too:-/ Cory will not let me replace it. Saying I just use my phone anyways and it was a blessing because he could use the insurance money to pay a bill. I guess that's cool. Give all those cute east coast babies kisses for me!!


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