Friday, November 09, 2012


These two are so cute together I can hardly stand it! Finn is getting to the stage where he wants to wrestle all the time. Sadly, Adam is usually the victim. But he doesn't seem to mind it most of the time. I love it because Adam will bully Finn right back and he growls at him, hysterical. The other day Adam kept shoving Finn and Finn would pretend to fall over. Adam was laughing so hard. It was adorable!
Adam is already trying to talk. I realize that 13 months isn't all that early but considering that Finn didn't speak until he was 2 1/2, this is big! Of course he says "mama" and "dada". But now he's started saying "dee do" (thank you), "uh oh", "ah dah" (all done), and he loves to yell "NOOO". It's so funny! He also tries to copy words all the time but nothing has stuck yet. He is finally a full-blown walker after being on the verge for months. And he has learned to find his binki and his shoes when i ask him. He's obsessed with remotes and is a total tease with his kisses. He leans in and puckers but the second you lean in, he pulls back and laughs. Only a couple times, then you get a real kiss :)

Oh and he likes to clobber daddy's head while he's trying to sleep. Luckily, daddy doesn't mind.

Finny is mommy's best helper ever! anything that goes in the garbage or the dirty clothes, finn is on it! He is the sweetest little man, always making new friends everywhere we go and refers to everyone as "my friend". He reminds me a lot of Jackson in that way. He takes such good care of his baby. The other night I woke up around 3 am because of some noise. I laid there and listened as Finn clicked his night light on and off and the two of them laughed hysterically. It makes my tears come out watching them play together. Finn loves learning new things and asks if he can go to school almost every day. I think that means its time to find a preschool or start a joy school if I can. And as you can see in this picture he is OBSESSED with brushing his teeth! You'd be proud, Joan. He brushes them at least 15 times a day. Okay more like 3 or 4, but still. I think the only thing he loves more than brushing his teeth is drinking milk or reading books.

And he loves making beds in his toy bucket or in my laundry hampers and making forts.

I know you all wanted a super long update on my boys but I need to write these things down so i don't forget an I just can't get over how fast they are growing up! So I hope you weren't too bored.
And just as a side note, we just had YW in excellence which I made a slide show for. I've never done it before but loved it so much I now want to make a slide show for everything! I think I will adopt Cory's tradition of making a slide show of the year every Valentine's day. Very cool idea!
PS the girls and parents all loved it.
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


At 11:01 AM , Blogger Darla said...

I want to learn how to make a slideshow! I really do! And there's no way we could ever get bored of your posts, Ellynn! I want to hear all about little Finners and baby Adam. So freaking cute, those two!

At 12:35 PM , Blogger Meags said...

That was suck a sweet post elly. I love those little men! Thanks for sharing!

At 9:24 PM , Blogger Jacki said...

Great post cute boys!

At 9:25 PM , Blogger Jacki said...

Great post cute boys!

At 4:32 PM , Blogger LeAnne said...

YOur stories keep them a part of our lives. I love them! It's so funny!


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