Sunday, April 07, 2013


Poor Sierra got Strep throat two days before Easter. I know if this girl says she has a sore throat, it is no lie and I better take her in. 3 cases of strep in the last 2.5 years, not enough for the Dr. to call her a "strep carrier" tho.  The only reason I'm making time to blog right now is cause I'm in bed with a sore throat hoping it will miraculously go away so I don't have to visit the Dr. tomorrow.
Here are our friends all ready for the egg hunt at our house. Adam has been gone the past two Easters and I haven't wanted to take 4 kids to an egg hunt on my own, so I've talked a few families into joining me at my house for a EZ hunt.

The giant stuffed animals were hand-me-downs from a neighbor. Tristan was truly sad that Ruby was given the big bunny and not him. Sigh.

We have an insanely generous neighbor (besides Gram and Pop), who spoils the kids with treats every holiday. These are gift bags from Betsy with custom made name tags.
We went to my parent's ward at the Boulder Stake center on Easter Sunday. I was trying for a photo opp.

We call this "pulling a Grandma Judy" (when my brother was blessed as a baby, Grandma Judy took lots of pics during sacrament), but I was sneaky about it. My kids were able to join in the primary choir. I was trying to get a pic of the girl on the front row's head band, but she turned her head. Seriously the flowers and feathers were as big as a bowling ball, maybe bigger. I couldn't look at anything else.

My siblings are now raising ducks and chicks to sell the eggs. Cute little things.

Rugby has begun! The first practice was 37* and raining, so miserable. The next practice (two days later) was 70* and perfect...except Sierra got tackled by this kid and thinks she broke her wrist.

Sierra's first major dental work experience. She had a second row of "shark teeth" coming in and had to get a stubborn baby tooth out of the way. I should have called this post "Sierra is sure costing her dad a lot of money this week".


At 7:26 PM , Blogger LeAnne said...

Thanks for the pictures! I can't believe you even covertly took a picture in the chapel. It doesn't sound like you at all. Maybe you won't be translated as soon as I originally thought. I remember the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunts we would sponcer in Issaquah. It was so fun! Adam would start out carefully hiding candy and then towards the end he was just throwing them skyward and letting them lie. Love you!

At 7:32 PM , Blogger Darla said...

Great post..miss your cute kids. Geof sure loves them, too. And the orange lockers in your garage??! I'm dying of envy!!

At 8:32 PM , Blogger LeAnne said...

Sorry about the sore throats, teeth, the possible wrist injury and all the $$$ involved! Hope everyone survives!

Darla are you envious of the lockers or the fact they are in a garage?

At 7:38 AM , Blogger Ellynn said...

I'm really sad you didn't get a proper picture of the headband. The rest of the post was great. I need to come visit!

At 10:18 AM , Blogger Brooke said...

Tell Ad, wait till it's braces and car insurance, it just gets better. Thanks for the update! I'm with Ellynn, so sad not to see the headband:-)

At 8:34 PM , Blogger Joan said...

Love the post. I was thinking about you the other day. One time when Kevin is out of town I should come stay with your kids for the night so you can go on a date!


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