Monday, May 16, 2005


What's up? Everyone sounds lovely. I'm just sitting at work like usual. LeAnne, work is the reason I didn't come down to Provo on Friday. I'm sorry I missed out, but what can you do? I registered for another class during the summer. Not excited at all. Oh well. It's suppossed to rain tonight and I'm very upset. Hopefully the weather cooperates with Lindsey's game. I swear over half of hers have been cancelled so far. It's real annoying, I love watching her play! I was with Lyd when she saw the preview for Harry Potter. I don't think she breathed once during the whole thing. It does look pretty great. Cameron, I love your story about Harly. She is so stinkin cute! I completely believe that they are closer than we are. Grandma died before Lindsey was born. When she was little and just barely talking, we (my mom and sisters) were talking about Grandma. She turned and said, "I know her." Me being the smart alec that I was/am quickly contridicted her statement. But then she said again, "Yes, I know her." She was so sure of herself that you couldn't help but believe her. Pretty cool! I love stuff like that. I'm glad to hear that Dayne is doing well at home. I'm excited to meet her. So all of you freaks are crazy for letting those scary movies get to you. I really don't get bothered by them at all. In fact, I am home all alone in the house by myself most of the time each night. The other night I didn't even lock the door. No big deal. I guess that's where I differ from you all. Well, that's it. In the words of Mindi, blog out.


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