Monday, May 16, 2005


just a small update harry potter and the goblet of fire is set to release november 18th and my life will be whole, i'm so excited i could pee my pants you better bet i'll be there in costume opening night. i'll keep you posted as to what charater i'll become! I also have managed to "uni" all the way down the drive way and to the corner of the street no big deal! I'm also about to look for flights online to georiga for chels and i for next weekend so hopefully brooke that will fit into your schedule if the tickets don't end up being 1 million dollars, cause i'd love to come, you talking about the ya ya's (my favorite book) and gone with the wind (i loathed the ending) made me want to jump on the next flight! well i'm keeping up with all the bloggs and i love it. tell all my little cousins once removed (or whatever they are to me) i say hello and i wish i was hanging out will all of you! chels i love the idea of going to washington consider it done (if the little escort will make it), well blog you later love you guys lyd!


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