Sunday, May 29, 2005


Min- it was too funny reading your painting story. I can totally relate. When we lived in Oklahoma I think I put 6 coats of paint on my "accent" wall. The worst part was, I would think I liked it and I would put my bookshelf back into place and load all the books back on and hang the pictures and then decide I didn't like it and have to unload the bookcase and drag it back across the room, etc... Made me crazy. I am so happy that you get to be downstairs now. I know what a pain it is living on the second story with two little girls. Jess, saw the pictures of your hair after I blocked. It is VERY CUTE. Alicia, I would love pictures of your house one of these days. I'm impressed- roses!

Okay, Brown Sugar Syrup Recipe

1/2 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1/8-1/4 cup water (I do 1/4)
1/2 tsp vanilla

Bring to boil, stirring constantly. Boil one minute and serve hot. Obviously if there is a large group you will need to double or triple of quadruple the recipe. Adam and Mindi, remember a single recipe did you guys, me, some for the little girls, and some for Mike and Jane, but not a full serving.

I love you guys



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