ColoradoBennett-grumpy momma
I've been a grumpy momma the past few days. Whining, potty training troubles, sickness, etc. have all started to add up and suddenly I have a short fuse. The best thing I did all day was to drop everything and just play on the trampoline with the girls (and 2nd best was leaving the girls with Adam so that I could go to Womens Conference). Brooke, I loved your post about bra sizes. I catch Adam looking at me with that look in his eye, the one that says "we've got to get those fixed", but I'm in no hurry. Congrats on the weening process success. By no means is Ellyn a late weaner, by most of the world's standards. Well, enough about boobs, I've got to start the vacuum. Blog your way to $800 a month...
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