Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Alicia, thank you for saying those nice things. I think all of us moms feel like we're barely keeping our head above water. But, seriously, you've got to stop taking Un-Yon to Walmart. The law of having two or more children is that you never go shopping without an armada of help. Take the entire Relief Society with you--or maybe just the fastest sisters--or just leave the speedy bundle of joy home with Big Daddy Boo (I've been laughing about that name all day).

So, girls basketball starts tonight. I've suckered my buddy Haylee into being the coach/taxi driver along with me again this year. Basketball is our golden ticket to get all the inactive girls back into the program. The trouble is that we have to drive all over NW Denver to pick them up and take them home, but once we've got 'em they have to stay for our YW activities too. If I can just keep them from fighting amongst themselves and from thinking that the rest of the wards in the stake hate our guts because we are the "poor, city ward", all will be well. The Bishop bought us basketball shirts that say "Denver none". Wish us luck...


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