Monday, March 13, 2006

pizza? -lyd

Oh and lest we forget, lest we forget! How in the world did everybody seem to skip over the fact of telling me about Ashley’s small run in with the law? Lucky for you my mom told me the whole story or I don’t know who I would’ve gotten mad at! But really me of all people should be one to know! Ash I can tell you, you got off easy! Only 10 hours, you could do that in your sleep!
Lets all reminisce about the day my friends and I thought it would be a good idea to (borrow) the pizza signs that go on top of the cars and lights up! For some reason we wanted to see how it worked, ya know lights up and whatnot! So on a random night I flipped around by dominos, my friend jumped out, (borrowed) the sign and we sped off! I tell you what, it was worth it, it’s a huge magnet! Amazing! And it lights up by a cord you plug into you car! For those of you that wonder so you don’t have to go through what I did!
We were home free for about a week until my other friend thought it was a good idea to drive with it on her car! Long story short the police matched her car to her and pretty much took her in. Instead of saying she acted alone like a good thief would do, she turned every and anybody in! The worst part of it all was my friends called me from the station and said I had to go in right then or some line of bull would happen to them and me.
Some of you family members might remember because we were having a family party, and the Jackie was furious that she had to leave to take her daughter into the station! My stupid friend that rode with it on her car got hit with only 10 hours, and my smart friend and I that were so good and sneaky got hit with 25 plus writing apology letters to pretty much everybody in the city of Kaysville, including Papa, while in the youth court said that I should have to do more! (thanks dad!)
But I will tell you what, that Ronald McDonald house was never so clean and vacuumed as when I did all 25 hours there every Saturday! (It’s a good idea though Ash, one Saturday they were nice and let us bake cookies for the families that were staying there, keep that one in mind! Or you could like my stupid friend that got us in trouble in the first place just have her moms friend write the hours off, and you get away scott free! Oh I love stories like that! Sorry that was such a long one but I’ve been on hold to get somebody through to an investor for about a half hour, so I had time to kill!
Thanks again for all the blogs I love em! Glad to hear everybody finally check in!


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