Monday, March 13, 2006

Wow! - Chelsea

Who knew toes would get such a response? My second toe is taller than my first. I have been told by Joey that feet are absolutely the most disgusting part of the human body. Each time he sees my feet, he tells me that. He's so sweet huh! :) Just kidding, he claims he has always thought that, but who knows. My feet are something else. They swell up like balloons when it is merely equal to or above 68 degrees. I might have to get a wheelchair when I'm pregnant, for fear I will damage my feet forever.

I cannot believe I forgot to share the story about Ashley. She is an idiot. I did stuff like that all the time and NEVER got caught!!! Pretty funny though.

Linds did quit her competition softball team, however; she surprised us when she decided to try out for dear ol' Davis High's team. She made it as a Freshman which is pretty wonderful. Her first game was last Wednesday, it was freezing but great. I'm excited.

Cort is doing an internship at Alpine Dental (where my Mom works). She want to be a dental
hygienist. Fortunately for all of you, only Jess and I can attest to the sheer fright that comes along when working with/for Dr. Bleak. I know Jess will agree when I say, we wish her the best. :)

Gotta work, peace out.


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