Friday, March 10, 2006


Last night, poor little Sierra came into our room at about 12 or so. She was in the habit of crawling into bed with us late at night a lot and I've slowly been trying to break her of it. So I hear her come in and try to reason with her about why she should go back to her own bed. After a few useless attempts at reasoning with a 3 year-old in the middle of the night, she finally broke down and cried, "Mom, I just can't do it! I'm scared." Well, then I felt horrible and had to give in. Adam fell back to sleep instantly and started to snore loudly. This is always the trouble when he falls asleep before I do, the snoring prevents me from peacefully returning to slumber. So I did what gram taught me to do, wiggle the bed vigorously and if he doesn't roll over start tapping him on the shoulder. I didn't realize that Sierra was still awake and she started to copy my actions. Poor Adam never knew what hit him, but he rolled over and we all had a good nights rest (oh wait, Adam just told me that sleeping with Sierra is like getting no sleep at all). Just thought you all should know that, ha ha.
We watched "America Idol" last night for the first time this season. When I finally won the battle over the TV (Sierra was watching "Hello Kitty" and was horrified that I would turn it off to watch a singing show) Bo Bice was on. From the camera angle I was looking at it appeared that he wasn't wearing any pants. "Oh, great" I thought, "I've turned off Hello Kitty to watch a man who forgot to put on his pants before he got on stage." But it turns out they were just really tight, beige leather. A huge fashion mistake if you ask me. I just don't think I can get hooked to that show. It makes me too sad to have to see people get voted off.
Meagan, Becca Louvier is coming over today. I asked her if she wanted to go snowshoeing with us tomorrow but she said, "no thanks, Simon (that is John and Becca's adopted son, I think he is about 2 now) and I get to go snowshoing about once a week. I'll need to go visit some other friends." Anyway, I got pretty jealous to hear out often she gets out to snowshoe while tomorrow will be our first trip this winter. I was reminded of the time when I just had Sierra and I was telling Meagan about my days of hiking with the "mountain momma" group. Meagan was in the same situation, two kids one on the way, that I'm in now and she expressed to Cory her jealousy. Cory had to remind her, just like Adam had to just remind me, that when you have just one kid things are a lot easier. But we are much better off, right Meags? I had a hard time getting that story out because Kaia is climbing all over me and the keyboard, hope it makes sence. Blog out...


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