Tuesday, July 11, 2006

bg life, 1% alive

Hazel turned one two weeks ago and is walking all over the place.  I can not even express the joy that she brings into our lives.  Summer has consisted of many days at the river, a few at the lake and ever fewer at home.  The more we are home the more I have to clean, which I try to avoid at all costs.  Cory bought me a shiny new red lawnmower.  I love it with all my little girl heart.  However every time I get near it I end up with a beauty burn.  Have any of you noticed how fast time is flying by.  I can’t even get a breath.  Benny has just lost her first tooth and I swear I just had her.  We went camping in the upper 40 last weekend when elly’s mission buddies were here.  It was fabulous.  Brooke was talking about not being able to do something with us the next day because she was going to play with the stinchfields.  So cory was giving me a hard time about not taking making an effort to spend time with his family.  I asked how he could say such I a thing, I was on their property camping, and I had even planned it.  He didn’t think that counted, seeings how only my family was there camping with us. Details, details.  I am babysitting our friends two girls while she is in the hospital having a baby.  A 8 lb 14 oz baby boy all natural, yikes!!  Any ways the girls are kind of unique and they are not use to being away from mom ever.  They are even home schooled, so this has been very hard.  Cory being the sensitive human that he is sings the music from psycho every time he is around the older girl.  I’m pretty sure he will go to hell for it.  If any of you would like to come up linda’s blueberries are on and ripe for the picking.  She just brought me down a box of raspberries last night and they are oh so sweet.  Wil is in love with brind’s girl, and although he can’t always remember her name and when he does it’s usually tim instead of kim, he wants to play with her from the time he wakes, til we force him into bed at night.  Well this has taken me all morning to write and it’s not even good or long.  But as the morning has progressed I have just about put out my back so I am going to try to put it back in some how.  

                         Blog to all………..me  


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