Friday, July 28, 2006


Adam and Mindi, Tristan is beautiful. He looks like Adam, which for a boy is a really good thing. Of course with a middle name like Danger no one will mess with him either way. Adam, are you seriously going to include Danger in his name? I think it's hillarious and so very you. I just want to see the reaction of the members of your ward when you're blessing him. Of course with your inner city ward they will probably all think it's normal. Go bless him in mom and dad's ward and we can all watch Patty's face! Mindi, I am likewise impressed with your labor and delivery story. I can't imagine changing positions let alone moving around. I like to lay on my back with one side slightly propped and the drugs flowing, sleeping as much as possible. I'm a bit upset that we didn't get to see the pictures of "more of you than you wanted us to see." Mike posted one to his family after Sadie or Ellyn with almost my whole breast showing. I felt a bit awkward. I am so happy for you guys. I wish there was some way I could see you. We have the whole month of August ahead of us. Maybe I'll figure something out. It just seems wrong to leave without seeing my handsome new nephew.

Well to update you all I am at Mike's mother's side family reunion. It is a huge affair every four years (I might have told you this, I can't remember). Last time I went Sadie was two weeks old and this time I'm by myself with the girls. One of these reunions the timing will work out. In the meantime I feel like the family charity case. "Everyone help the poor girl that is falling apart and who can't feed her children at the table without at least one spill or a pile of food on the floor a mile in circumference and can't get her two year old to sleep before one in the morning. Last night both Sadie and Ellyn left the hotel room while I was in the shower, they were supposed to be vegging in front of a video and after I rush to get dressed as quickly as possible when I find the room empty I discover one of Mike's second cousins from Germany holding Ellyn as they wander through the hotel looking for me. I felt like such a great mom. Not to mention this family is full of lawyers, Ivy league graduates, you know, really intelligent people. We had to fill out a questionaire the other night and it asked for our information regarding higher education and asked us to list the things we did well. It was for a game of family jeapordy and boy was I thrilled when they released them for everyone to read after the game and mine says "Ricks" for higher education and "unpacking after a move" for the thing I did well. I just feel like I should park my double wide out front and start calling my girls Crystal, Destiny, and Dixie Dawn. It is fun, don't get me wrong. It's just that I really should have lied on the questionaire.

Most of Mike's brothers and sisters and kids and the girls and I went into Salt Lake yesterday and saw the Joseph Smith movie. If you haven't seen it you have to go. It is excellent. It is so easy to brush over the history of the early saints and not really realize the terrible trials they went through. This film made it all so very vivid. How can we ever complain about a calling when you realize what our ancestors went through in the early years of the church? Their sacrifices were so enormous. Of course I still complain, later in life I will be more perfect.

Speaking of ancestors, that is one of my favorite parts of this reunion. They have so much family history. They have stories recorded and pictures of many of their family members. This morning we went down to the Ogden cemetary and Mike's aunt told all the grandchildren (and the adults) stories about many of the relatives buried there. It was a really neat experience. It makes me nervous that on our side we have info about alot of our ancestors but not so much at all about the Stevensons and Beechers. I need to talk to mom and uncle Sharm and Sally. Make our moms find out exactly what records we have and make them tape stories from Sharm and Sally and maybe the Welches before we start losing accuracy. Mike's cousin, Lexi, has compiled so much information and put together some amazing scrapbooks with family pictures and letters. She's incredible. She's the oldest cousin but if you are expecting that from me you will be sorely dissappointed. I think Jessica would be an excellent candidate :). Oh, funny story. One of Mike's relatives was Mary Fielding. If any of you remember she is the one that Lot Smith told could not cross the plains by herself. It was kind of fun to add that part of the story at the cemetary this morning. I told them about him branding his wife. What a legacy we have!

Well I should be seeing many of you tomorrow night. I'm so excited. You probably won't even read this until Monday and then I will have told you everything I wrote and so you can skip right over this. Too bad I told you at the end. See you tomorrow. Sisters and brothers I miss you madly. love, me


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