Thursday, July 27, 2006

Tristan Ellery Danger Bennett

So at 4:32 AM on 7/26/06 Tristan left the quite, cushy, comfortable womb and entered into loud, pocky, pestered earth. He wieghed in at 7.0 lbs and 20.25". He is very alert little boy and seems to recognize his sweet sisters and Momma who would talk to him all when he was in momma's belly, I prety sure he even recognizes Kaia who would often hit moms belly as her own little form of love pat. Sierra and Kaia love their new little brother and Kaia contiually wants to "pet him"

Mindi got things started with losing her mucas plug sometime in the morning between 7:00 and 9:00 on 7-25-06 no big deal that happens and babies still don't come for another 2 weeks, we were not worried his due date isn't until August 10th. At about 7:00pm Mindi started having Braxton Hix contractions, or so we think, on 15 minute intervals. I leave at 8:00 to help a friend move and get a call at about 9:00pm from Mindi telling me that she had a gush of fluid and thought her water had broke but was all blood(we later find out that it was a blood clot that released most likely from her dialating). (Mindi, while handling pain very well, passes out at the site of her own blood) She lays down and calls the mid wife and I hurry my booty back home. When I get home Mindi looks fine and contractions are coming more frequently and lasting longer. We stip the bed, put down plastic and put on a new sheet. I give Mindi a blessing and call my mom to let her know Tristan is on the way. The first mid wife shows up at about 10:00pm and our main mid wife show up at about 10;30pm.
We are now ready for action and as many of you know this is the really boring part of child birth the Mom just lays thier and tries to move only durring contractions and Mindi is even more boring because she rarely even makes a noise and that includes the actual crowning and birth of the baby. At about 11:30 the mid-wife tells me to get some rest (exit dad, crash on the couch snore a little) apparently more uneventful stuff until I am woken up at 1:20am 7-26-06, not only do I have my bearings out of wack but I am told to get some one to watch the girls and get the car ready we need to take Mindi to the Hospital, (Dad scared look) I cannot tell you exactly how this made me feel but it was not good. Our neighboor Dave, a few blocks away said he could come over and Mindi's mom started her 45min drive to relieve him. By the time I had the 2 calls made and the truck started Mindi had changed postions and the mid-wife felt better about the situation (apparently Tristan heart rate was strained and they were worried about him) Dave shows up to spend the rest of the night trying to sleep through the noise and I go shut off the truck. Mindi at this point appears pale and has an oxegyn mask on as she sits on the toilet. (enter Sierra) up around her usual 1-2:00am go snuggle mom and dad wake up time she is a little and I mean a little suprised to see mom sitting on the toilet with an mask on with the 2 mid-wifes taking care of her she of corse wants Kaia in on the bizair seen (enter Kaia) equally unalarmed as older sister much to Dads great relief we sit in our hallway outside the bathroom and I got to explain what was happening and that little brother was on his way here. After a little bit we retired to the bedroom where the girls and I took turns saying prayers for Mom and the baby. Luckily Grandma Shelli shows up and takes over the girls, and in no time has them back to sleep. From this point on the labor is fantastic the babies heartrate is strong and mom gets off the oxygen we move her back into the bedroom where she sits on the birthing chair or a pillow on the floor until she was completely dilated and ready to start to push then the 2 of us sit on the bed I have her back laying against my chest and all i see is belly (picture posted) she pushes through three contractions starting at 4:20am and and and and 4:32am enter baby Tristan. The rest is history so all and all this maybe the longest blog ever but thats what you get when we call this thing our journals.


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