Friday, August 11, 2006

bg life

Mindi you really would have wanted to turn us in if you had heard us yelling at Jackson and Bennett to run down the last two miles of the trail.  Jack at one point tripped over a rock and rolled three times then landed in a cloud of dust.  I made sure nothing was broken, and then told him to get back up and run.  He only cried for a minute.  (This part is from Jackson)…then I wanted to kill her and my dad.  I hope you saw my eye.  First my ear was swollen then it all drained to my eye in the night.  Me and Wilohm were twinners.  I had so much fun; I wish you were there.  

See so even though we tortured them they still had a blast.  Darla we were talking about how you have never been on a backpack with us and we decided it was because you got engaged and married in the winter.  Usually the boys torment their future wives by forcing them to get to know our crazy family while hiking in the wilderness for the first time.  But just because you already know how crazy we are doesn’t mean you shouldn’t come with us.  September works, just tell us when and we will be ready.  I like to daydream that Geof. takes a job up here and you and I get to go walking/hiking every day.  But I know it is only a dream and I am destined to me alone as mom and dad move, Brooke and the girls move and Ellynn and Brind go off to school.  But that’s cool I like talking to myself.  

Hazel started to sign ‘more’ and ‘nurse’.  It is so cute.   And she hums to go with it so as to draw attention to what she is doing with her hands.  Oh Darla you are going to Cali.  When are you going to be back?  We are coming Thursday night the 17th and will stay until Tuesday the 22nd.  I hope we will get to see you otherwise our trip will be a failure.  Adam and Mindi I think you need to come to the family reunion.  Triston will be plenty old by then.  Travel with you kids young.  The younger the better, then they will expect no different as they grow.  Chels do you think I could hire one of you little sisters to baby-sit my kids on sat morning the 19th while I golfing with my dad’s family?  Ok I think I have rambled on long enough and asked enough questions so I will go now.  We get to take a field trip up to Longview to go grocery shopping and have a picnic with Cory.  We are all very excited; he is so cute how could we not be?

                                            Blog on…………me


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