Friday, September 29, 2006


Darla, my friend from high school took those pictures for us. She works at a media company downtown and has acess to all this fancy equipment. I wanted to make sure we had a family photo in front of the flatirons because it is my favorite spot. I also needed a picture of the fam to send in for my 10 year high school reunion which is tomorrow night. Yikes...I'm going alone because it was too expensive to bring Adam (plus, he doesn't want to go anyway). I only posted a few because we are going to use the best one for Christmas cards this year (which, just to spite Geof., I'm going to mail out next week, ha ha).
I just read a great article in this month's Ensign called "Let's Try Again". The author writes about concerns with diciplining her 2 and a half year old. After time outs she decided to say "Let's try again! This time we can do better. This time we can be gentle" or "This time we can be kind" She goes on to say, "As I pondered the dramtic effect this simple phrase had on my son, I considered the power contained in the words 'Let's try again!' I realized that God, the Father of us all, does not want us to dwell hopelessly on the mistakes we have made. Instead, He invites us to sincerely repent and focus on a brighter future where we can improve each day."
Well, every time I sit down Sierra grabs a brush and climbs on my back and wants to "do" my hair (which just means she undoes anything I've done to it, brushes it wildly, and stabs me in the eye with the comb). So I better stand up before I start yelling at her to stop and leave me alone.


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