Monday, September 25, 2006


I think I'm going to copycat and just name my blog the same thing every time. It takes waaay too much time to think up a title and mostly they're lame anyway.

So today is my first official day of our new way of life with Ellyn. That is, I will be doing "Floortime" with her for about four hours a day. It is 8-10 twenty to thirty minute sessions of keeping her involved and playing. Easy you say, but no. Mike and I are normally pretty excited if she'll stay interested in something we are doing for more than three minutes. Plus, I'm not one of those fabulous moms that love making big creative messes and thinking of fabulous ways to expand my child's mind. I like to read to them, stuff I like to read. I like to take them to the park, where I play with them for a few minutes and the rest of the time they play with their friends while I visit with mine. I like to set them at the table with paper and crayons while I go do laundry. I like to snuggle up and watch a movie together. I like to take them for strenuous walks or runs where I can barely talk because I'm out of breath and they veg in a jogging stroller. I like to make dinner while they happily pretend to be princesses and pioneers all around me but not with me, unless they are just visiting "Ma" or the queen for a minute. Not that I don't occaissionally do the other great things with my kids, but it's more like memorable moments from their childhood and not a way of life.

So...this morning I did three hours worth and I was very exhausted. I think I'm going to have to become a caffeine addict. We did playdough and stringing beads and chasing at the park and dancing and playing on the actual playground equipment and story reading in the car while we were trying to pick up Mike's car (I count that even though Ellyn didn't seem too interested in the icky bug alphabet book). I think Sadie thinks she has died and gone to Heaven whereas Ellyn could just possibly think the opposite. Meags, that chair that you think I stole works wonderfully for keeping her at the table and staying focused. I hope that makes you feel better, even though it shouldn't matter because YOU were the one that put it in the DI pile and I was the one that saw its hidden value. Anyway, now I'm supposed to be hurrying through my housework while my precious time consuming angels sleep but I am realistic enough to know that I will burn out very quickly if I don't get a little venting/blog time. I am now praying regularly that I won't be a grumpy mommy as I let my children help me with more and more of what I do in a day. Ellyn helped me make pancakes this morning and Sadie helped wash the dishes. Need I say more?

Jane is trying out for A Christmas Carol today after school. Because we need more to do in a week. However, if she doesn't get all shy and sings and reads her lines like she reads stories to her sisters she'll do great. Something I never mastered. We shall see. We should be picking Mike's car up after work today- the guy wasn't there at lunch. Just in time too because it's supposed to start raining soon.

Meags, how did your lesson go? Did you use Mindi's advice? Too bad Valone isn't pres anymore. She would have passed out in her seat. Thanks to whoever-I'm guessing maybe Jess- put the IKEA link on the blog. Jess, that store totally reminded me of you. The organizing queen. Most everything I got there was for organizational purposes. I have to be organized now, I don't have a choice. Organized for me that is. Alicia, Happy late Birthday. Cameron, how's the family and Monie and the soon to be born baby? Darla and Meags, I have a ton of baby clothes that fit Ellyn in the spring but don't fit this fall. I need to know what you need and how soon so I can divide up. I love you all. Thanks for the phone calls family, they have meant alot to me. It's soooo good to hear your voices again. I LOVE YOU. Love, me


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