Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Beck William Crabb

Ok Family, I'm sure that most of you have heard that little Beck was born on Saturday morning at 2:22am. Quick overview of the story:

Thursday afternoon Monica started contracting pretty hard and that night we went to the hospital. After a few hours they sent us home because she had not made any progress as far as dilating beyond a 2. She didn't sleep much and we went in to see her midwife at 9:15am. After monitoring her for about 45min she was showing some good contractions at regular intervals so they checked her again and she had dilated to a 3 so they sent us back to the hospital and checked us in. We got to her room at 11:00am. Up to about 6pm she was still only dilated to a 3 and they were going to break her water when they found that the umbilical cord and his hand were over the top of his head causing a problem and they couldn't break her water. They had her rolling around trying to get Beck to move. He finally did and they were able to break her water. They also had to use a new bag of pitosin because the first one wasn't even doing anything. The minute that changed she had about 10 hard contractions right on top of each other. Problem there was that when she would contract it was squeezing the cord and Beck's heart rate would drop down to the 50's and he didn't have time to recover between contraction. So she dilated to an 8 by about 8pm. At 1am she was still an eight and Beck was still turned the wrong way and his cord was wrapped around him not allowing him to move or come down the birth canal, therefore there was not enough pressure to get her dilated.

At 2am the decision was made to take her in for a c-section. What a good decision it was. When they got her open the first thing out was the cord. The doctor that did the c-section told me that the cord would have come out before Beck in a normal delivery which would have been really scary and we would have had a section anyway.

Both mom and Baby are doing great now and we are back to Bill and Paula's to wait for our house to be finished. Hopefully that should not go beyond this next weekend.



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