Thursday, December 21, 2006

Jan's Mission Call

I wanted Jan to post where he was going but I don't think he knows how. I hope it's ok with Jan but I am going to say because people are waiting!
Jan has been called to serve in the Milan, Italy Mission and will be leaving for the MTC on March 7, 2007!!! He is really excited as this would probably have been one of his first choices if not the first. We are also very excited for Jan and proud that he made the decision to serve.

Joel will be home in just a few weeks so we are excited for that as well. It will be great because Jan and Joel will have almost 2 months together before Jan leaves.

The rest of the family is doing great. Monica held her first showcase last Thursday for her voice students and it was amazing. Her students have really improved and Monica, Jordan and AJ all performed (AJ played the piano). I lay in bed at night sometimes and wonder what it would be like to be dripping with talent like this family and then realize that I'd better hurry and fall asleep so that I can dream that I too have amazing talent!

Jordan and Michelle are doing good. They haven't finished their apartment yet and I think they are getting anxious to get into their own place. Otherwise I think their doing great. AJ is just AJ. The conversation with him almost always leads to cars and I don't know much about cars so I just nod my head in agreement and act like I do. Kel is a blast. He purchased tickets to the Las Vegas Bowl on Ebay and has been so excited for the game. I honestly don't know if their is a bigger BYU fan out there. Monica is staying busy trying to keep up with 3 kids, housework, voice students and trying to get ready for Christmas. I don't know how she does it but she always seems to pull it off.

We will be having a birthday party tonight for Harley. She turned 5 today, I can hardly believe it. We get to have Darla and the kids stay with us tonight and we thought tomorrow night as well but maybe not. I hope Adam and family are doing ok. That storm sounds pretty wicked, we'll be praying that you make it out of Colorado ok. I know that the cousins would like to see Adam and Mindi. They hopefully will be here for a couple of hours on Saturday morning and anyone is welcome to come over and visit. I'll make a big breakfast and we can all sit around and chat for a while.

We want to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas!!!


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