Sunday, March 04, 2007


A few months ago Adam came up with this great parenting idea. He got three empty "Airborne" bottles (we highly recommend it to boost the immune system) and filled one with quarters (the empty jars happen to fit quarters perfectly). On the other two bottles he wrote "good" and "bad". Everytime the girls were caught doing good behavior we put a coin in the good jar. Everytime that acted insane, we put a coin in the bad jar. We promised them that when all the coins were in the good jar that we'd have enough money to take them out to Chuck E. Cheese. It was amazingly effective and a few days ago Sierra went on a cleaning rampage (an exciting new habbit of hers) and earned the right to move the last quarter from the good jar to the bad jar. So last night we decided to pack up the family and head to the local Chuck E. Cheese. Apparently, that was the idea of 342 other families because the place was packed. We unloaded, headed to the door and the employee told us that her manager said there were no tables left. We were turned away from Chuck E. Cheese and great was the cry in Israel (sorry, the girls are watching "Prince of Egypt" right behind me and that line just came on). Anyway, the girls were really heartbroken and somehow Adam convinced them that "Red Robin" would be just as fun because there was a great big bird there (my grandparents gave Adam a gift certificate there for his birthday which also influenced our decision). Unfortunetly, the big red bird only works on Tuesday nights (what's up with that, Adam said, who goes "hey, it's Tuesday night and the big bird is working, better go to Red Robin"). Well, all's well that ends well. (That reminds me. If you haven't already, check out my comment on Jess's blog. Since there is so much opposition, I think it'll be my last).
Then this morning at about 5:21 a.m. Sierra came into our room. I told her that there was no room in the bed and she'd have to go back to her bed. Adam affirmed this in a sleepy gruff voice. I guess being turned away is more than our normally stable Sie-bear can handle and she walked back to the room sobbing heart-breaking sobbs. Those woke up Kaia and Adam had to end up going in there to try and get the whimpers back to sleep. They were past the point of no return, apparently, because at 6:30 they were still awake, crying because they'd spilled water all over themselves while trying to get a drink. Now crying is like Kryptonite to my superman of a husband and he really couldn't take anymore. Hence, "Price of Egypt" is rolling and he is back in bed sleeping soundly.
Also, ever since Aunt Jack mentioned that she wanted to delete old blogs so that she could "clean it up" I've been terrified that our blog would get deleted and lost forever. Is anyone else interested in getting the blog published into a book? There was a great site (www.blogbinders) that just went under, but there are other sites popping up. From what I can tell it could cost up to $30 or more per book. But someone with more computer savvy (say it like a pirate) could figure this out (hint, hint, cor-dawg).


At 2:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, backing up would be a great thing. i found something the other day on how to back up the blog digitally somehow, and at the very least that would be beneficial. it wouldn't be as pretty as a book, i'm sure, but still effective. i'll see if i can dig it up....

At 3:10 PM , Blogger Meags said...

mindi your first mistake was to ever let you children know that chuck e cheese exists, although i admit that wil asks all the time if we can go and the only time we have been there was when he was two months old. see how young your children start to be influenced by the out side world.


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