Thursday, February 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Ad!!! and happy anniversary to Geof and Darla and Jess and Tony

Isn't that right? You all share the glorious day. Adam, you are 31, that's amazing. I don't know when you got older than me. It must be the Colorado air. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and I will call you tonight.

Today is a pretty good day, just a little sick. SOOOO much better than the past few days. I know it is because our family and Barb and Tracey are praying that I won't be sick-if you aren't already, begin now. Mike left for the field today and now I have two weeks to look forward to entertaining the girls with no energy and, if the prayers aren't strong enough, a return of constant debilitating nausea. The sun is shining today and yesterday too actually so at least I can send Jane and Sadie out to play. My poor kids, a month of chicken nuggets, taquitoes, campbell's soup and corn dogs. Makes me want to throw up just reading that list, but it is all bought and in the deep freeze. I have to take the kids over to the health clinic now so that they can give me the results of my pregnancy test that I finally took this morning. I'm either pregnant or my salmonella tainted Peter Pan peanut butter has thrown me for a doozy (yes we ate a whole jar of the stuff).

Later gaters- inspired by Sadie, who really enjoys those phrases these days! Brooke


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