Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Wilohm David Ellery Allen

As you can see I tried to post earlier and lost the whole thing. No it was not Darla and Yes I am ticked, but I am trying to be philosophical and persistant about the whole thing as I know it has happened to you too and why should I expect after all my years of not doing anything with a computer to not have any glitches as I try to get the hang of it now.
Dang I am on a tight schedule today, but this was one of the priorities--to tease Janie about her Scarey Man blog. She was always so nervous here on the hill and guess what we never had any drunk, yelling, stumbling, rock-throwing, scarey men wandering around up here on Tuke's Mtn. We just have cayotes, and bunnies, and deer. I glad you had your dad and papa there to protect you or it would have been a lot scarier!!!
Wilohm is spending the night. He surprises me because it doesn't bother him at all to come stay at g'ma's all by himself even though he has always been such a momma's boy. After we watched Creature from Black Lagoon last night for family home evening--which was really spiritual. Actually we had FHE Sunday. Wil announced he was coming home with me to spend the night. Jack and Ben aren't pleased, but they have school tomorrow and I still don't get kids in bed early, but then neither does Paula I found out after staying with her. That household doesn't even think about closing down till after midnight. Anyway he comes home with me and is perfectly content to play with all the miniture Risk pieces till I'm ready for bed and to read him stories. When I tell to get a story he brings me in the "ART and History of Egypt" How's that for a little light reading before bed. "How about Go Dogs Go, or a Value Tale?" "No, Pweese Grawmaw." Fine here goes. We look at all the pictures and maps of the Valley of Kings and the Nile, Memphis, Luxor, Giza, etc. I tell him I have been here and here and here and each time he says very seriously, That's a long ways away." We read all the picture captions with me stumbling through the pronunciations of all the ancient gods and kings. Thinking I have finally bored him enough I try to wrap it up. "No Grawmaw, pwees just one mowre." H e is honestly interested in the whole thing. He recognizes the funerary mask of King Tut and tells me that's King Tut. Jack has drawn free hand a picture of the mask on a piece of wood that is in their bedroom. Meags needs to post a picture of it. Anyway after another long picture caption it's lights out for our not so little archeologist.
Lest you think he is all brains and no brawn I will add this story. Jack, Ben and Wil are over to play while Meags goes grocery shopping. Hazel is not invited yet as she takes actual watching and that's too much like babysitting for this old g'ma. The older ones are just fun to play with or ignore while I get done what I need to. I have set up the sprinkler under the tramp so they can bounce. And yes you have guessed it. When you concider the size of the rest of Wil's features not to mention his body why is it he always manages to hit his nose? It really is such a small target . He is bleeding profusely out of both nostrils. It is running down his chin, chest, on his boxers (optional swimming suit in this case) even to his feet. He is crying and Jack is telling him not to cry because he looks tough. I tell him to hold on and I will go get the camera and take a picture of him. This cheers him up and when I get back he is smearing blood on his teeth because Jack told him "That if I smeawr bwood on my teef I wiwl look like a vampiwr!" No all the w's are not typos. They are my attempt to phoneticly copy his lisping New Jersey accent. He is such a funny boy.
Benny drew a picture of him. It was easily recognizable as she had drawn his round cheeks and big eyes with a green nose that was off to one side. She reminds me of her mother when she was that age. Meagan had brought home a picture of me she had drawn. I told her I knew this was my mouth and this was my chin but what was this other line below that. She told me that was my "other" chin. I was pregnant with Brind and appreciated her honesty. I wish I had all my G'kids close. They are all so fun, but then I would have no place to visit. I have to look at the bright side.
Well I'm off to the basement to paint and finish the binding on Madison's quilt. Yes Evelyn got it done for me. I think I am going to try and see if she will let me help her with the other quilts or to do some work on the farm that would free her up so she can get to rest of them--Dayne's Kaia's, Sierra's, and Hazel's. Then I need to getting going on Tristan's, Bek's (spelling?) and Shelli's little girl, Madeline's. Mindi showed me the cutest pattern her aunt had made I can hardly wait to try it.
Wish you could all see it here right now. It is so green and what isn't green is blossoming. A breeze will come up and the petals will swirl down. It is so beautiful. We have a big Fugi Cherry tree just off the deck with the lights still in it from the reception. You should see it when I plug in the lights. There are giant lit snowball blossoms. Love you All, Mom, Aunt Le Anne, G'ma


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