Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lovin' life in Layton

It has been forever since I have written so I have so much to tell you about. I have been keeping up on the reading though so congrats to Brooke, Mike and family. A boy, how exciting! Kaia, that sounds like a horrible experience. I almost threw up when I saw the pictures. Tony will be very excited to see them. I hope you get feeling better. Meags and Cor, how was John Mayer? I love him, I always run to his Heavier Things album.

Life has been great. Like LeAnne said Indie's blessing was great. Tony did an amazing job and it was a great testimony meeting too. Then to top it all off we had a great after party with wonderful food. It was a success. Someone from Tony's side said, "wow, there are a lot of people here." I told him we have a close family. I love it! I think there were about 75 people there. What a blast.

Indie is growing like a weed. She weighs 11 pounds 7 ounces so now I can start comparing her to pictures of me when I was a baby. Her weight gain is due in large part to the fact that I gave in and started bottle feeding her. I am not sure if she has sucking problems or if I do not make enough milk but she was basically starving. So I feel like a failure for not being able to breastfeed but at least she is healthy. I have been pumping and supplementing with formula until I get my milk supply up. I have been taking an herbal supplement, a prescription medicine and drinking this certain type of tea all to help get my milk back. (Sorry for all those who don't care or are grossed out but that has been my life for the past few weeks.) Hopefully it will work out because I just spent some good money on a nice pump and I do not want to spend good money on is a freaking rip off.

Parker and Jessica (Tony's brother and wife) had their baby early Monday morning. Beckam Parker Smith. He is a cutie and he made Ind look like a giant. He weighed 6 pounds 7 ounces. I stood outside the door and listened as she gave birth. Birth is such a miracle, I love being a part of it any way I can. It was a little scary for a moment because I couldn't hear him crying and they called for the NICU but then he started to cry so it was okay. I will post some pictures of the two of them together, they were exactly 13 weeks apart, and Beckam missed being born exactly 9 months to the day from when park and jess were married by 40 minutes...funny heh?

Tony took his boards on Saturday. This was to test him on everything he had learned for the past two years. It was a big day but he feels like he did well. He will get his results in a few weeks. I will let you know.

I went back to work a few weeks ago. I am only part time so that is nice and it has worked out so that Tony has Indie two days a week and mom has her the other and sometimes Alicia or Kim (Tony's mom) watch her if Tony has to work. It is really nice to know she is with people that love her. I like my job and I have a new position, I work in accounting and I am also the assistant to the owner. It is fun.

We went to IKEA and it was amazing. We bought a big book shelf, I will post some pictures. In case you forgot I am into organization so it was right up my alley.

We have been having a great summer, trying to play and swim as much as possible. By the way Indie loves the water. The other day she fell asleep in the pool while I was holding her. It was so funny. Well I think that is all for now. I love you guys.

Love Jess


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