Friday, July 06, 2007


I'm trying to blog really quickly while the kids are eating. But that's not working b/c I can hear Sierra running around with a cup full of water, Bubs is yodeling, and Kaia is building tee pees under the table with fish sticks. I, along with Meagan, think no blog is boring and would be well entertained to read what color shirt everyone is wearing and what you ate for lunch. I happen to be in a blue shirt. Congrats on the race, Meagan, you are absolutely amazing. I loved the play by play, I could picture it all in my mind. Hopefully one day I'll be there to run the last 100 yards or so with you. My big accomplishment thus far today has been saving Kaia from a terrifying, nay I'd say one of the scariest scenes imaginable. Her and Bubs were downstairs having "play by yourself in the playroom" time while I read Meagan's blog and made lunch. I could hear crying, but it was a strange far off sound. I went down there and Tristan was innocently crawling up the hallway. Kaia wasn't in the playroom, finally I located her cry coming from the closet under the stairs. I opened the door to find a really scared little kid covered in sugar who could barely speak through the sobs, "Bubs locked me in here!" We have a 50lbs bag of sugar that we used to feed the bees in the food storage under the stairs. The bag is ripped all crazy so I can't close it tightly (well, I haven't really tried) and Kaia thought she was in heaven with such access. Until Tristan crawled by and leaned up against the door. Then it must have been close to that closet scene in "The Sixth Sense". Well, that's what I would have been thinking about, but Kaia will never see that movie if I have any say. My other accomplishment was to put the soggy fish sticks back in the oven and pull out wonderfully crispy ones to save the day, and lunch. Homemaking is truly the ultimate career.
Darla, I sure hope recovery goes well for you. Sorry there were no "chanting, towel-on-her-head-yoga-loving" hippy nurses or doulas or midwives there to help you out in your quest for natural childbirth. There is always next time. But try not to think about that for a long time.


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