Sunday, July 29, 2007


It's been so long since i've been on the blog i can't even begin to catch up so i read the most recent blogs written by each person and then i feel like i'm caught up.
First of all, monica i gotta agree with michelle. you're being had! i think you should up it to at least 20 a session. if you make up a little news letter explaining about your time like you did on the blog, they're gonna be cool. and it will also make it easier for them to understand why you will still charge them for their missed lesson if you don't receive notification at least 3 hours in advance. just my opinion.
well things are going well. i'm almost done with school!!! well the end of september but there is at least a light at the end of the tunnel. if only i could've talked brind into moving back his wedding date til after i graduated then i could go home for a good two weeks. as it is, it'll be a quick 2 day trip. (well 4 with the driving). i can't blame him. i definately didn't put off my wedding for anything. which by the way, if anyone else is planning on a trip that short and wants a couple of tag alongs, let me know.
lately we've been spending as much time as possible at school, work, or up at jason's parents house. mostly because our house is roughly 200 degrees. and it is physically impossible to get any sort of breeze, draft, moving air whatsoever, through that house. when i am home i sit in front of the fan and spray myself with a squirt bottle to keep from having core melt down. jason just laughs at me. what can i say, i'm a washington girl! and to have my first summer in utah this hot is pretty much a guarantee that i won't be spending many of them here. i think i'll threaten jason to keep my hair short until we move to washington.
chels we too have been getting serious about running. and i think if i keep saying it, it'll keep me serious. i just feel bad for jason because he runs with me. he's so nice though. he never leaves me to run at his own pace although i tell him to at least every time me go but we do live in a rough hood ya know.
alright i'll sign off now. love you all and hopefully i'll see you all on the 25th!


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