Thursday, October 04, 2007


Here's a story I just read:
"Aunt Mary and Uncle Grant lived in Blanding, Utah. Every summer they invited us to come visit them. I wonder why. We added to their burdens--yet they seemed to genuinely enjoy us. And they tolerated our antics without visible chagrin. When I crashed his motor scooter with no injury to me but no benefit for the scooter, Uncle Grant merely laughed. When Alan and I narrowly avoided burning down all of southern Utah, Aunt Mary simply turned on the sprinklers to cool us off as we dragged back to her house.
There is something magical about a person who seems to genuinely enjoy you in spite of foibles and misdeeds. I'm grateful for Aunt Mary and Uncle Grant.
Maybe you know someone who has always seen the best in you. Maybe your life has been blessed by that person's generosity. Think back to the sweet blessing of that heavenly gift. Savor it. Re-live specific episodes.
Now, are we ready to be Aunt Marys for our children? Are we ready to look beyond their goofiness and see their spunk? Are we willing to be inconvenienced by the demands of parenting? Are we willing to being surprise and joy to our relationship?
when we fill our souls with remembered goodness, we are better prepared to offer grace to those we love." From "The Soft-Spoken Parent" by H. Wallace Goddard.

I can't help but look back at the times family members treated me in quite the opposite way from this Aunt Mary and Uncle Grant (and when I've treated children with anger and lectures). I don't think it was effective. I hope to be more like Aunt Mary.


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