Saturday, October 06, 2007


Schools out for the summer! schools out for-ever! anybody remember that song? well i finished my hours on the 29th of september! i'm so excited. i thought i wouldn't know what to do with myself but you know i still haven't had time to even sleep in. i still wake up with jason because i feel guilty if i don't and i can't go back to sleep. it's crappy. i took my written test and got a 94%. i was pretty pleased considering one of my friends that usually gets about the same score as me
on tests in school got an 89%. it felt good to tell her my score. he he. so i've got a job at a tiny little salon right up the street from my school which will be perfect because they want me to go back to instruct in a few months! it will be so fun. it's a booth rent salon so i pay 300 a month and keep what i make. i set my own hours, charge my own prices and actually get paid to do hair! it's an exciting prospect.
mom and dad are putting the little provo house up on the market. i can't blame them but i will be sad to see the little thing go. if we knew what jason was doing for school and all of that, i would be tempted to buy it.... if i didn't have to live there in the summer. we'll most likely move into jason's parent's basement and save up some money while deciding where to live next. sorry meags, it will still be here in utah i hate to say.
so jason found the best motivation ever for me to go running. he bought me this really cute hoody i wanted and then told me i couldn't wear it till i worked out 5 times this week. he hung it in the bedroom in plain sight so i'd see it every morning. it worked like a charm! the one night i was feeling lazy and didn't want to run, be brought it out into the living room and asked if i was sure about that. i went running and i'm wearing the sweatshirt right now.
Just for the record, jason only does this because he knows I want to run more, not because he thinks i need to. (even if he did think so, he would never admit it. he's a smart boy)
well peace out kids


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