Monday, November 05, 2007

i'm home for the time being anyway

i made it home friday night and it has been non-stop fun since then. geof. and darla and the kids are here and so it has been crazy. while i was gone the missionaries moved in. they have started a new program of having the missionaries live in members homes as a way to cut down on mission costs as well as a few other benefits to everyone involved. i found out from a friend that our home had come up at ward council as a possibility for our ward. i asked the bishop about it and he gave me the sheet with all the criteria. we had everything they needed. i checked with ellery and he was ok with it so i told the bishop it was a go if they needed us. i didn't hear anything back till the sunday right before i left. the stake pres. asked to talk to me after the women's conference and said he had recommended our home to the mission pres. it was funny because he had given his recommendation and as we were talking he found out that we had sister missionaries in our ward and then he was really excited. he had thought that we had elders. anyway we have 3 missionaries with us for the next 3 weeks and then it should drop to the normal 2. the kids love them and meags says it is working out great. there are a few things we have to iron out like the amount of space in the fridge. we are about to capacity without the missionaries and now with their stuff in there it is a joke. they are sweet girls and i think it is going to be fun to have them. they will bring a great spirit into our home. i have so much appreciated the members that have been so good to our kids while they have been out on their missions. now i get to pay back a little. and maybe it will help me be a better missionary.

i'm too tired to write more--still trying to recover from jet lag. i don't know if it is jet lag or the fact that i'm trying to get unpacked, play with geof. and darla while they are here, try to get things back to normal as far as washing, working out etc. and we have 15 people living here to keep up with. i've had a grandchild sleep with me every night since i got home. i've missed them and now i miss my little ones and not so little ones in ga. ut. and germany. good thing geof. is a pilot so i can go see them. sawyer is thriving and very alert for his age. we're all well and love you all. love the cloh stories, let me tell you how we miss disneyland this year--cam and monica we were so jealous and so glad you had a good time. the holloween pictures were great and lydia he looks good. chels happy to note you are still alive just busy i bet with the new job and wedding. it's fun to be a part of yours lives. love aunt le anne


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