Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Seattle Bennett living in Colorado

First off sorry Chels for missing the wedding and Joey welcome to the chaos.

Geof I'm am so happy you passed your test I remember this time last year running out to the airport with whatever food I could bring with me picking you up and bring you home, feeding you some more putting Mindi and the kids to bed then heading out to play until the wee hours of the morn. Mindi and I were so worried about our little holocaust surviver look a like. Wow a year goes by fast.

Well I am very excited for the Washington crew to have Brooke and the girls + 1 boy. Mindi and the kids are so excited to go my only worry is that they may not come back. Mindi is so tired of waiting for the house to sell as am I, I can hardly stand it. Of course the job is still here and the bills are paid and we have great friends so it makes being away from home more bearable.

Today was a snow day with my truck wrecked and in the shop I am stuck in an extended cargo van I spitefully call the raper because thats what they drive. we have gotten hammered with snow and as I started to work this morning one by one all my sub-contractors started to call and cancel and by the time we (Miguel and I) had made it to the gas station I was relieved of my duties of the day. now here comes the sad part, my boss is out of town and I did not hurry home toss the snowboard in the truck(Mindi's) and head to the nearest ski resort of which i have a free pass to thanks to the Warren Miller Film, and enjoy and day of fresh tracks mid-week line free lifts and powder shots that could kill. No instead I ran around getting caught up on things that I normally don't have time for and got home at about 2. This is actually making me more sad as I write this, the planets aligned and my broken spirit could not free its self, I think I'm going to be sick.

now the 20 some odd questions about Christmas.

wrap it in whatever I just hate the hard plastic need a knife to cut open almost chop your finger off packaging everything seems to come in

fake tree, you want the smell get air freshener, no needles, no beautiful trees that if they had a root ball on them would cost you $160 dollars and look half as nice being cut down and dieing before Christmas even arrives despite cutting the bottom off and putting the special packet of water

put the tree up when you have time take it down when you have time soon it will be rite after halloween and just before valentines day

eggnog heck yes I love that stuff it makes me sick to even take a swig but I'm a nogaholicand whats this 1/2 and 1/2 stuff its suppose to be thick thats what makes you sick

I cant remember my favorite gift as a child but my favorite one as an adult was a present dressed up in a little red velvet outfit which I did open on Christmas eve and still play with as much as she will let me

lots of Nativities I would rather have a Nativities than Christmas tree it better represents the season

I like buying for everyone and I usually start keeping track of what I want to buy someone months before hand

Any of my Kids between 2 and 4 they love everything so rite now Kaia

I have yet to get a bad Christmas gift but when I do I will re-gift to one of you

I married little miss i can do everything and make it look easy so of course mailed Christmas cards but if it were up to me you all would just have to know I'm thinking of you

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation

I started shopping this year in September

I'm not sure if I've been regifted but I'm about to start recycled gifts with Sierra wanting a new bike when her old one is practically brand new (anyone for next year)

dark chocolates preferably Mom's (not the just the ones she made but the ones she got and is squirreling away for herself later)

White Christmas by the man himself Mr. Crosby

travel I want a palm tree with lights and white sand instead of white snow

one has a red nose

nothing on top can't find anything i like

how can you open presents on Christmas eve santa hasn't come yet

the most annoying thing is people fighting to make people take down nativity scenes, Christmas lights or anything that has to do with Christmas so the 5% of the population that doesn't celebrate Christmas might not get offended and the .00001% that are offended can take away my freedom

My kids, my wife, my family, my Savior, and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas


At 8:03 AM , Blogger Ashlee said...

Okay, so I am an outsider and if I could blog on your sight that would be my name. Anywho, I had to post and tell Adam what a kick I get out of him. This last entry was hilarious and totally made my day, until I thought of not being able to be up in Battleground also. Merry Christmas to all the Bennett Fam wherever you are!

the Ross'

At 8:45 AM , Blogger Jacki said...

You are the King!!!!!! Love you Aunt Jack


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