Friday, December 07, 2007

bg big house

monie, sorry to hear about the miscarriage. you will be in our prayers. in fact you all are each night. i glad it was a less invasive surgery. hope the recovery is quick and painless.
it was so fun to see all of you--get to know roger better. i can see why cortney likes him. and little indie is so sweet--hard not to take a little nibble. chels and joey congratulations once again the wedding was great. and your little boys issac and keaton are beautiful. i love visiting with my sisters and my sweet sweet elly. alicia and little kev your new house is beautiful and monie and cameron all the christmas decorations are wonderful. i loved the christmas pageant in the barn with jack and her girls and the chickens. joanis body pump class. lunch with the sisters and nieces and kids. and the talks with my sisters and getting caught up. too bad paula and i can't talk and get to bad before 3am.
i made my pilgrimage out to g'ma's house. i can't believe--sidewalks and a stoplight--really? it smaller than i remember even when we lived in it. whenever they ask me about one of my favorite christmas memories i always think of the year we all met out in g'ma's barnyard. there had just been a fresh fall of snow. i don't think i had told you what we were doing, only to dress warmly. we had hot chocolate for you and i remember hearing the jingling of the bells on the horses as they came up the street. they were so big. they drew the wagon into the barnyard frost all over their muzzles--is it muzzles on horses? we all climbed on and went caroling up to uncle rulon and aunt sally's. it was so fun especially when chelsea kept saying that it was the best christmas present ever. you all made it so worth it. you all do every time we come into utah. we have the best family!!
while i was sitting there thinking i looked over toward the barn and there was uncle sharm working on the old tractor. we had a good visit. he showed me the special parts uncle sterling had machine tooled and nickel plated for him for his old cadilac. it was amazing. he gave me some walnuts from g'ma's tree and told me how he opens them up and puts candy and a new 2$ bill in each one and seals them up again with some glue and gives them out for christmas. i think i will start a new tradition for our family. he gave me some peanut clusters for my trip home and called me about every 2 hours all the next day while i was driving to see how i was doing--if i was staying awake all right. what a sweet heart. one of the things i loved best about living at g'ma's was uncle sharm's stories and family just stopping by to visit especially alicia's little face in the window scaring us out of our minds--she loved it.
brooke called today and sawyers passport has come. now all we have to do is wait for her to find a flight. i can't tell you how excited we all are. mindi and co. come the 13th thru the 20th and so it will be one solid party i'm sure. i'm trying to get everything decorated before all my little "helpers" get here.
today didn't go as planned when i got a phone call from cory asking me to go help meags. she had called and was in tears. while she was still laying in bed this morning she turned her head to look out the window and her neck popped. the pain was excruciating and it about killed her to move. i told her to call the dr. while i came down. when i got there she said that the dr. had said to call the paramedics and have them transport her to the emergency room. it was so fun she couldnt move to get dressed so i just draped her pajamas over her as best as i could. battle ground believes in over kill so there were 6 cute little 20 something year old boys standing around her bed. hazel hid in the other room too many strangers in her house. they examined meags and it looked like it was muscle related rather than in actual injury to her spinal cord/neck. we decided not to go to the hospital. i got the big kids to school and the little kids over to a friends house while i went to my drs. appt. which i was loath to cancel because im not real good about going and so it would be another 6 months before i was motivated enough to go again. picked up a neck brace on my way back to meagans, picked her up and all the kids and took them up to my house for the day. so much for getting christmas up, the up side is meags is all right. she has been sick with this flu and she was still working out and playing soccer and i think the muscle cramping in her neck was just another "magnified" aches and pains flu symptom. what was funny was both cory and i had the same nightmare. just imagine what meags would be like without being able to go for a run or play soccer or workout. not a pretty picture. he said he could just see us arguing over who got to take care of her which day. meagan said we weren't being very nice to her. cory was standing behind her and told her to look at him when she was talking to him. he says it so straight that for a moment you take him seriously--he is so dang funny!
the sweet little neighbor that took wil and hazel made us dinner and dinner for the family i was supposed to take dinner into--what a sweetheart. such good people. well im giving up on the day and going to bed with a good christmas story. love to all, le anne


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