Thursday, February 07, 2008


Well we got back to town late last night from 3 days in D.C.. It was as always a wonderful and educational experience. Trying to cart 3 children around the city of course inhibited us from seeing all that we wanted. It seemed to take forever to get out the door and of course when we got to where we were going it was time to eat. Frustrating... I was able to tour the capitol building while Darla hung out with her cousin. So amazing. They have a statue of Brigham Young in there. The holocaust museum was touching and powerful. Cole and I ran around the flags of our fathers Marine monument, saw the ruby slippers, r2d2, c3po, lincoln's hat he was shot in, ali's boxing gloves, and lots of other stuff. It was mue bueno. Darla's cousin works for a senator and he's so bummed that mcCain is the candidate and he is republican. he says many of the senators do not want to work with that guy. Oh well we'll see what happens. i'm routing for hillary to win so that 4 years from now the country will wake up and elect someone with a brain. The weather out here has been fantastic and we're trying to stay outside as much as possible. alright team thanks for the blogs. we'll chat again soon.


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