Friday, March 21, 2008


When we were at Ryan and Jacki Beecher's house (minus Ryan because he was in the California Baja riding his motorcycle) we found out that Russ and Jessica Beecher have a great blog. I put the link under our Family Bloggers. Jessica has another blog with a group of friends where they post recipes. They all look delicious. It is called Tried and True and you can find it if you look under Jessica's profile. I caught the crappy cold/flu from Adam. As he was leaving for work today I told him how amazed I was that he just went to work every day even though he felt so awful. I've tried my best to stay in bed all day, but that didn't really work out. I made the kids a breakfast smoothie and that kept them entertained for about 30 minutes at the table so I could crash on the couch. But then I had a huge mess to pick up. See photo. I tried to take a hot bath to relieve the muscle aches. Even with two cups of Epsom salt, a hot bath just isn't relaxing when a three-year-old and a 18 month-old are in there with you. I do have a giant pot of chicken noodle soup (a recipe I found called Jewish Penicillin) that has taken me two days to make and is a lot more work that I anticipated. Jessica, I've been trying to figure out how you highlight words in your blog that when you click on them it takes you to another website. That is such a fun feature, could someone give me a hint on how to do that?


At 5:11 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

Hey Mind,

When you are writing your "new post" their is a little button that looks like a link of chain, along the same bar as the add picture button. You just click on that and copy and paste in the address you want to link to. Let me know if that doesn't make sense.

At 5:13 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

Oh sorry, highlight the word that you would like to be the "link" first then go from there.


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