Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hi and My Easter Lesson

Dear Family,
I'm so excited, I got the blog now on my favorites and check it daily. It's so fun to read everyones. I promise you won't hear from me all to often, as not to bore you, but I wanted to share with you the highlights of the last weekend when you were all here. And of course I will end with a favor to ask of you.

Highlights of my weekend were: Driving down to the funeral with Paula and Little Chloe. Listening to LeAnne sing her beautiful song, especially after learning that she didn't have a voice. Patti's testimony!! Megan coming to Body Pump! Going to the temple with all of you. The fonduing party! Adam's fur coat. The grand niece and newphew line up picture! (I can name everyone!) Being with my family!

Thank you for the great weekend.

K, well I was wondering. This Easter Sunday I have been asked to give the Relief Society Lesson. How fun. I always get called to do the lessons that there is no outline, (Christmas for example). Well okay, I guess they have their own outline, the birth the resurrection, ect. But because Easter is about the rebirth, I wanted to focus around renewing our commitment to striving to be a little better. That can be in all areas of the gospel, but with the push to know the BOM inside and out I wanted to focus on our dedication to studying the BOM and really knowing it and reading it on a daily basis. I know that all of you are doing that (or at least you have me fooled) and I would love for you to tell me how that helps you in your everyday lives. I've been studying for this lesson for a couple of months and have very specific things that I want to address, but after having been with all of you here recently, and feeling so greatful for my family and knowing that we get to be together forever, I would love any of your imput. You only have until Saturday night, so if this is too much to ask just pretend you didn't read this until Sunday after 11:00 a.m.!

Keep up the good blogs!

Love you all!



At 7:10 PM , Blogger Darla said...

All I can say about the BOM is that it really was written for our day. I know you hear that all the time, but when you're really trying to read and study it each day, answers come to you that you never would of thought of otherwise. When your reading daily, it's like there's a completely open, free of distraction channel open between you and the Spirit. Things come pouring out to you. I know the Lord wants to speak to us and it IS through the scriptures (and other means of course). It's a protectant from all that is around us. Well,now that I've said all this, I'll try to go apply it. Good luck!


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