Monday, June 23, 2008


I've been working on Beech Tree Blog Book: Year #1 today and I found this treasure of a post (and I'm not just posting it because Alicia gives me a compliment therein):

Sometimes we call Clo Un-yon and pretend like she's our little Taiwanese adopted child. It's just a fun word to say in a sing-song like voice - Un-Yon! Anyway not much to say. I lost Chloe again at Wal-mart today, but what's new right? I'm yelling her name this time because my alarmed little embarassed voice gets me no where. Today someone actually asked what she was wearing and eventually helped me track her down. "Her?" she asks, pointing a moving finger at something darting between racks. I angrily pick her up and whisper sweet nothings about throwing away all of her dresses and princess shoes and something about the longest time-out of her life. If we could just stay within the safe confines of our home, we would get along just fine. Oh, and she's calling me by my first name all the time now. It's kind of fun. I just pretend like I'm her hip, fun aunt and if only my sister could learn to control her kids. Anywho, Mindi you're amazing. I was just thinking about you yesterday as I was reading the birthday card you sent to Lyd. You are truly a wonderful person and I don't know how you do it all. I seriously feel like I'm just barely keeping my head above water. I did however hold Family Home Evening two weeks in a row and we're doing great with family prayer. Clo the other day was saying it and was going for a record. She was blessing everything she could think of, then proceeded to bless everything she could see in the room. "And bless - what that mom?" as she points to the fan. Fan, I say. "Bless the fan, bless Maddie Boo (she puts Boo on the end of everyones name, my favorite is Kev's - Big Daddy Boo) - I love her so much, and bless Heavenly Father and Jesus - they love me so much." It was pretty cute. Anyway, I'm seriously considering getting the internet hooked back up at my house. Maybe we could go without gas or something instead. Later, Leash
Jan 31 19:23:00 2006


At 3:47 PM , Blogger Meags said...

oh the days of alicia. is there anything better than her? i wish she still loved us as we love her.

At 9:22 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

no doubt. nothing spiced up the blog quite like a story of Chloe's crazy antics. come back to us leashy, come back.

At 1:22 AM , Blogger Brooke said...

I agree with the girls. I blame myself entirely. I wish Alicia was back on the blog. Also, I miss Moni and Cam and Chels on a regular basis.

At 7:03 AM , Blogger Mindi said...

And Lydia! You wouldn't believe how many posts we have from Lyd in Year #1. Her entries equal nearly 43% of the book! I'm having so much fun looking back. I wish it wasn't taking me so long.

At 9:25 AM , Blogger Ellynn said...

no brooke, it's me. it has to be. everyone blogged before i came home from the mission. then everyone left. that post was freaking hilarious.

At 9:57 AM , Blogger Brooke said...

This is true, all of Lydia's crazy summer camp adventures, true about Ellynn too, she messed up everything!

At 9:01 AM , Blogger Ellynn said...

Brooke you're dead to me.


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