Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Yesterday I had a good day. We ran some errands and found a place that we think we might sell our car from. Went to the PX because I remembered that my friend had told me that she had seen a whole bunch of trampolines. We went there and the PX said they would call us and they left an answer on our answering machine, (well, at least they said they did), and they were supposed to save one for us and they did. So, we took it home and arranged for my best friend's family to come over and help us set it up. We took it out and it seemed too light, so my mom looked at customer reviews. Non of them were good, so we took apart the small part that we had put together in the box to take it back today. Earlier in the day my friends mom had bought a watermelon. She offered to cut it up and bring it over here. So we did that and... me and my friend had an idea. We are doing a summer party in my back yard. We are going to have a mini raffle, games, soda, and chips. I think it will be a blast. It is only 4 people besides my family and hers, so nothing big. She stayed till eight planning and making invites and we all had fun. Earlier in the day we had gone to Ellyn's end of the year party. That was fun. Ok one more thing before I forget, the other day me and my mom were going to the and we were on post there is a guy running along a side road trail thing in black sweats and carrying a machine gun. Weird and a little bit freaky. Well I better go...



At 6:19 AM , Blogger Darla said...

It was so funny, the other day, Geof. was reading your post and said, "Jane has better punctuation and spelling than I do." I thought to myself, "true, true". You're amazing Jane. Will you be our tutor? (:

At 3:13 PM , Blogger Cortney said...

Jane-that sounds like a great party. My sisters and I used to do something quite like that in our backyard. We had games, ghost stories, candy, and so on for all the neighborhood kids. We loved it. My favorite was when we set up a little Disney Princess tent and filled it with balloons and inside the balloons was candy. They could go in there for a certain amount of time and pop as many as they could. It was so much fun-I hope yours is as well.

At 11:25 PM , Blogger Jane said...

My mom taught me well, Darla.
Courtney, that does sound like a lot of fun. I hope it is fun too.

At 8:18 AM , Blogger Ellynn said...

your punctuation is great but you leave words out. where were you going? it says you were going to "the". is that a place there in germany?


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