Saturday, February 05, 2011

We are so glad when Daddy comes home!

We've had Adam home with us since Tuesday night, after a two week absence. I can't even find words to describe how wonderful it has been. He has to leave again Monday morning, and he still doesn't know what his schedule will be like when he returns. He was saying that he might have to work 18 hours a day for two weeks straight, or something absurd like that. I started to get really worried what he would be eating if he only had 6 hours off each day, one hour spent traveling to and from work and 5 sleeping. He mentioned that he would like to bring some "Eat to Live" type food back with him. He bought supplies at Costco and I've spent the last two days making soups and salads from the recipes in "Eat to Live"--TWO WEEKS WORTH. That's 21 quart size bags of soup, 5 giant salads, several bags of cooked vegis, and 14 Bennett Bars. While I was in the kitchen, Adam and the kids watched "Man vs. Food" and decided to copy a recipe they saw on the show and make this:

Pancakes with bacon and sausage, runny eggs on top. I'm throwing my hands in the air.


At 11:42 AM , Blogger Ellynn said...

That is absolutely hilarious! And so like Adam (and me). Hey you wanna make up 2 more weeks worth of that stuff and send it to me? You are such a good wife. Adam is a very lucky man :)

At 6:38 PM , Blogger Mindi said...

Thanks, Ellynn. I'll get right on that. Well, actually, I bet if you drive out to Roosevelt with an In and Out burger Adam will happily trade you for a few baggies of soup :)

At 5:27 PM , Blogger Ellynn said...

Haha! If I thought I could see him for more than 5 minutes, it would be worth the drive!

At 9:17 PM , Blogger Brooke said...

Man V. Food is really very inspiring. You are an amazing wife. Not that this is news to any of us. I really hope that is not Adam's schedule. That STINKS! We love you guys.


At 6:45 PM , Blogger Joan said...

Unbelievable! What a great wife! Will he really eat it? He better!


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