Friday, February 22, 2013

Happy Birthday Adam

I typed Adam in the search box to see if I had ever written this about him. It was magical to read back through all the posts. Great stories!

I hope you have a wonderful birthday Adam....You deserve Wonderful! Thank you for being who you are. You are the best son a mother could ask for! You are always taking care of people and trying to help someone out. You married the perfect woman because Mindi is always doing the same thing!

My mom and dad always wanted a boy. Every time mom would get pregnant we would hope it would be a baby brother. I remember Dad painting the house blue, the bathroom blue and did he buy a blue boat? or paint the boat blue....Anyway Paula was born. As close as Dad got to a boy was Paula was the only one of us that got his really blue eyes.

Mom was always going to name the baby boy Adam. Does anyone remember Adam Cartright from Bonanza? Instead we kept getting girls. I took up the quest....and had a girl, Brooke.

Finally 18 months later we have the first boy in the family. He is truely "the first man" and always will be!

We love you Ad,



At 7:19 AM , Blogger Joan said...

Love hearing these stories!

At 10:09 AM , Blogger Jacki said...

Great story!

At 10:10 AM , Blogger Jacki said...

Great story!


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