Cameron, I hope you guys have a great time at Lake Powell. We'll sure miss you in Granby, though. Speaking of Granby, my mom talked me out of doing all the meals, saying that was the craziest thing she's ever heard of and I'm starting to think she is right. I know Adam has been calling around trying to get the official count so that we can just assign people certain meals in a fair and humane manner. And I'll do my best to be more concerned about playing than eating.
This morning the girls and I are going to a playgroup at a place called "Pump It Up". I guess it is filled with giant inflatable toys, slides, etc. just like the carnival. It's every kid's dream come true. Then we will head back home and try and get the house in order for the arrival of Russell and Jessica Beecher. They are staying with us tonight as they work their way back to Ohio.
Darla, Meagan, and Alica: could you please post the birth dates of Dayne, Hazel, and Madison? I have the cutest picture of the three of them together and I'd like to add some dates to it. I'm trying to tackle the task of labeling my photo album and I'm giving myself another 5 1/2 years to complete it. I like to set reasonable goals.
Our house has been on the market for who knows how long and not one showing. We haven't even heard from our realtor for the last two weeks or more. I'm going to have to use my angry voice and fire him. Naw, I guess I'll just let Adam do that. He's in the process of planning his revenge on a guy who is trying to scam him and steal his Jeep. But I'll let him blog the details. Well, I'm off to hum a happy tune while I wash a sink full of dishes.
Quote: "I don't worry too much about the future, and I don't worry very much about the past. The past is gone, and you can't change, you can't correct it. The future, you can anticipate, but you can't necessarily do very much about it. It is the present you have to deal with. Reach out for every good opportunity to do what you ought to do." President Gordon B. Hinckley
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