Seattle Bennett living in Colorado
So the scouts and I are going to ride to the Denver temple its a 25 mile ride and all I can say is I hope that we don't have flat tires and junk like that if all goes well it should be a fun ride. We've tried to do this 3 times and have been rained out three time so it is now time.
Alicia and Meags this is more for you but I was talking to Ryan Beecher last night and it reminded me of all the fun times like going to that little chinese resturaunt or the trips out to the sticky shoe theatre and leash do you remember when we use to take Meagans bear coco and punch it and body slam it oh those were the days and do you remember when I use to hide in your bed and you wouldn't know i was there because all the covers you had on there and i would scare the crap out of you, you must have thought I was a lamb with how loud you screamed.
So I'm really looking forward to this weekend it will be alot of fun and to bad so sad for all you suckers who flaked out.
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