Wednesday, September 14, 2005

ColoradoBennett-climb like Brandon

We took the girls climbing on Monday night with the Wymans for FHE. It was a blast and EMS lets you climb for free. I don't think they were too keen on all the chaos we brought with us (when Sierra wasn't climbing she was running into the display tents and under clothes racks and such, also, Kaia ate a lot of chalk when we weren't looking and tried to destroy the PowerBar display and the display in the main window). There was a little girl dressed up in a Tinkerbell costume who was at EMS with her mom. She watched Sierra climb and really wanted to try it. I told her she could try on Sierra's harness and she was excited. We ran into some trouble when her tinkerbell wings wouldn't fit, so her mom promised her she could come back and climb with her dad someday. It was really cute.
Mike, I was so happy to see you on the blog. So what are you doing there in Korea, or is it too top secret to blog? I don't mean to ask any questions that will risk national security.
So our toilet flooded our bathroom floor today and now I'm waiting for the plumber to show up. Plumbing trouble is always a lot of trouble. You can quote me on that.
Oh, before I wrap up, Sierra started telling us that she wants to climb like Brandon Smith. Not like mom, not like dad, but like the old manny.
Bye, Bye, Mrs. Blogger Pie