Saturday, April 01, 2006

povo (no rocket dr.)

At work one day a man walks up to talk about another employee who isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. The man says "That there Sam (name has been changed) he's no rocket Dr.." Yeah it's pretty much my favorite thing to say now. Congrats on the new babes. Special round of applause to Adam for finally becoming a man and generating a boy. This week has been long long long. I am so bummed with out my babies so I just work a lot. I've been able to fly a ton and am learning a lot as I teach. I have about 10 great students who are aggressive in receiving their flight ratings. Lyd sorry about the car. On my first date with Darla we went dancing and I lost the key to her car. Well we had to leave the car at the club and the next day when we got back it had been stolen. The police were equally helpful with that one. Kind of makes you not afraid to become a criminal. About a month or so later the car was found. Homeless people had been living in it. Yeah sorry about that Darla, my bad. I can't wait for this week to go by so I can fly out to CA. to see my babies and then progress onto WA. to see Ellynn and the biggest baby of all Brind. I heard he already has a job lined up being moms personal assistant. I guess his official title will be AP. Just playing brind, we can't wait. Happy birthday ellynn. alrighty team peace out.

ps go to and prepare to laugh and laugh and laugh.


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