Monday, May 01, 2006

bg life

Aunt jack thanks for the story about gma and dell.  I’ve heard parts of it, but not all.  Gma had such a sad life.  You girls, I’m sure, brought such joy.  I know you continue to still.  Holy cow chels, that picture is scary.  Are they doing well?  I think its funny that your dad now has 6 girls.  I’m glad the cop let brad go too.  If he hadn’t he would have been such a creep.  Cam and monie I am so happy you are having a boy.  We desperately need more of them in this family.  Jess I am still waiting for pics of the house.  Darla I can’t believe you are away from home again.  

Jackson went camping with Cory and the 11 year old scouts last weekend and when he came through the door I almost died.  He had burn holes all over his fleece pull over and pants.  Leave it to dad to keep a close eye on small child.  He broke another bored in tae kwon do, this time with his elbow, and is now a yellow belt.  When the other kids broke the bored they would just sit down, but Jackson bowed.  It was so dang cute, then he bowed again when he was presented with his belt.  Of course the good parents that we are we didn’t record it or even get a picture.  

Bennett is sassier than ever.  It doesn’t help that her best friend is a spoiled princess too.  They better not live around each other when they are in high school because they will either hate each other or they will still be best friends and everyone else will hate them.  Cory says she is a little me, just more caring.  I’m caring dang it.  I think I care a little too much if you ask me.  I can’t get over how cute she is, I mean I don’t think it’s right that I get the two most beautiful girls in the world.  This I what I always tell her and she just gives me her coy little smile, then I ask where the beauty comes from and she points to her heart.  

Wilohm is my handful right now.  Well, not so much mine as everyone else’s.  Cory says if you want to avoid discipline you just need long blond hair, big blue eyes, and to be a mama’s boy.  That is not true, I just know that you have to deal with wil differently than the others or he will just freak out.  And we try to avoid his freak out sessions as much as possible.  Well, most of us do, ellynn does everything she can to make him flip.  Usually it just takes her looking at him.  He is getting so smart.  The other day I was crying about something and he was trying so hard to distract me and make me laugh.  He said look mommy this is happy as he is hitting himself in the face.  

Hazel is so beautifully round.  She has gotten so mobile.  She has little calluses on her knees, feet and toes from crawling everywhere.  She stands up against something then starts to reach trying to figure out how she is going to get from here to there.  I think walking will be in the near future.  I get to take her on her first camping trip Friday night as I go to be trained with the rest of the camp directors.  

Cory and I did a 50k bike ride on Saturday.  We rode through down town Vancouver, officer’s row, Vancouver Lake Park and along the Columbia River.  It was so gorgeous.  The rive on one side and farmland on the other.  We were on our mountain bikes surrounded by roadies who for the most part flew past us, but we were in heaven.  Although, it’s a good thing we have all the children we want because I’m pretty sure cor’s crappy seat did some damage.  I have to idea how he rode that far on it.  We traded bikes for about 10 minutes and I thought I was going to die.  It was one of the best dates we have ever been on.  

Sorry this is forever long and probably very boring to you all but I really have been slacking and felt like I needed to be better.  I have been teaching seminary for the past week and one of the lesson was on 3 nephi 23 when Christ encouraged, well commanded, them to be better record keepers.  So here is a little record.

                                                              Blog you all………..meags  



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