Friday, June 02, 2006

Dead from kidney failure

Well miraculously Clo's asleep here at moms so I get to write for a minute. I thought I'd write about Jess and my bright idea to run a half marathon on Memorial Day. You know, I thought, hey I push the girls in their stoller up hills everyday, how much harder could it be? Jess and I ran 8 miles the Saturday before and placed ourselves quite comfortably into a false sense of security. What fools.
Anyway I, of course, got an immediate side ache which eventually turned into one on each side. By mile four I was certain I wasn't going to make it. Mile 8 Jess was like "let's go a little faster." However I eventually had to turn off the ipod and take off my glasses because I was starting to get tunnel vision. Anyway it was about mile 11 that I really started to get scared. I don't drink the whole time, because it upsets my stomach. Well it was then that I started to get these really sharp pains that can only be likened to how the uterus feels when trying to expell a baby. I honestly had to stop for a minute. I just pretended like I was stretching, all the while wondering how long it would take for an ambulance to reach me. I got on my phone and gasped out a distress call to Kev - "Pick...(gasp)...Me....(wheeze)...Up!" Luckily there was a water station at mile 12 and Kev didn't reach me until I was almost to the finish line (not that I really would've gotten in, how embarassing would that have been? The race officials - "Now where's contestant number 214, the one that was dead last? Oh there's the little quitter there in the mini van. Is she eating a doughnut?" (which is another story all together. I swore I'd never get a van. I still can't believe we have it. I told Kev the other day that we need to get rid of it. My self esteem can't take it anymore. However it is a Honda, so it's not quite as bad in my book.). Anyway I crossed the finish line and went home to ice my knees and spit up blood. No, but I don't know how people do it - AKA LeAnne and Meags. Amazing. Maybe you started training a little more than 3 days ahead of the race. Anyway, that's it. Talk to you guys later. Leash


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