Monday, June 26, 2006

Guten Morgen

I can't even remember if I spelled that right. Please don't die of shock now that I'm finally writing on the blog. I know it just may be too much for some of you. Let's see if I can sum up the last few weeks. The week before last my movers came and took almost all of our stuff so that it can be on its way to Germany. Our car should leave this coming Thursday from the Port of Tacoma (I'm borrowing one from our friends for the rest of the summer and paying for them to insure it). We have one more shipment of stuff on the 14th of July and all we will have left in the good ol' U.S. will be enough clothes to get us through the summer. We fly out on the 5th of September and meet Mike in Frankfurt. "Oh Martha, Oh Christmas!!!" I absolutely cannot wait. We are trying to fill up our summer with as many fun activities as possibe.

This past weekend my friend Megan came down with her two girls. Some of you might remember her, she was my best friend in high school. We had a great time. Kind of funny though, because our nights of staying up till 2 or 3 no longer exist. At least in this stage of life. I sit there and think "if Ellyn wakes up at 7 that will only be five hours of sleep and if I want to talk to Mike tonight I need to get everyone to bed by eleven." I felt a little bit like an old fart. Megan's daughter Makenzie stayed down with us, she and Jane are the same age. There has been a little drama but not too bad considering they barely know each other. I will take Makenzie back home when I drive up and drop off my car on Thursday. Then I will take the train home. I am already excited for a whole three hour ride by myself with a book.

Besides that I have spent a little bit of time shopping. Meagan thinks I have issues (like she's one to talk, huh Meags?) But I know where to get good deals here in the states and I'm not so sure over there so I have just been trying to stock up on a few things. Plus, it does not help that my brother in law is the G.M. at the Gap outlet and tells me when all of the great sales are. Besides, after July 14th I won't be doing any more shopping.

What else... oh our house in Oklahoma is causing me ulcers. Our tenants got evicted for not paying rent. Yes, so we have the house on the market and I hope to leave it there, eating away our money, until September. If it hasn't sold by then we will have to rent it out again. So you can only imagine right now how long my prayers are. I feel so guilty asking for sooo many blessings. The list right now is a mile long "Please bless that our move will go well, please bless that there will be a good house for us to live in when we get there, please bless that our house will sell, please bless that everything we need to get done for Ellyn before we leave will get done, please bless Mike in Korea...." It goes on forever and ever. Obviously the Lord thought I needed alot of humbling.

Well this is a novel and I need to get a few things done this morning. It's supposed to be 100 today and Meags and I are taking the kids to the lake. It should be very fun and alot of work. I love you all and hope you are having a great summer. Mindi, I love C.S. Lewis. My mother-in-law found a book at Costco full of all his quotes (I can't remember if you saw it this spring) on every subject and I had to run out and get it. I was so excited. Okay, I think that is all for now. Love, Brooke


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