Thursday, June 15, 2006

I've got a fever...

And the only prescription is more cow bell. Has anyone seen that SNL skit with Christopher Walken and Will Farrell? It is classic. Meags that is sweet you won a cow bell. All I won in my race was about 5 serious blisters and bra burn.

Speaking of Will Farrell, Tony and I decided to go to the Jordan River Temple yesterday. I was going to take the bus from my work to his work and then we would go from there. I took the “State Street” bus which I vow I will never do again...I encountered a new breed of people, seriously. First off there were several loud and foul mouthed people behind me, two of which were women spinning tales of when they were in jail. They were just recently released…how lucky. I did learn a thing or two about switchblades…
Then there was a man with some mental problems who kept yelling at the bus driver whenever he honked his horn about how he was “scaring the other drivers.”
Finally and most importantly we pick up a very large, dazed and confused, gentleman who resembles Will Farrell. He is about 6’7” easily 400 pounds and he is practically wearing a baby tee so his gut is hanging out. He has a large scar on his knee that looks like he had his knee replaced and he is wearing ted hose. He comes stumbling onto the bus and I am thinking, “how sad, he just had knee surgery...” Nope he’s just drunk. I can smell the alcohol because he sits directly in the seat in front of me and instead of facing forward he sits sideways and turns around and stares right at me. I just try to ignore him thinking he will look away. He doesn’t, in fact, he kind of whistles to get my attention. I still don’t look, luckily mine is the next stop. I get up while the bus is still moving, which I never do because you could go flying at any moment and then you would have to actually touch the hand rails, but I figure I have my hand sanitizer and I will take my chances. As I get up he mumbles, “Are you going?” Again, I ignore him. As I move to the front and wait for my stop I notice he is kind of moving around as if he is going to get off at this stop. I figure I can run faster then him, even in a skirt, and if that doesn’t work I could kick him in the knee. Luckily he didn’t get off; I was so scared I was shaking. Oh the woes of public transportation. I will stick to the express bus with the other business men and women.

So the Temple was great, we always say we need to go more often. I just love it there, leaving behind all the cares and crazy people of the world. It is the only 2 hours that I can sit and relax and not feel guilty that I am not being productive. Life is good for me and Tony. He was just offered two sweet jobs, one at Lakeview Hospital in Bountiful and the other in a building right next door to Lakeview so no more commuting to 39th South, which will cut our gas bill in half. The yard is coming along; I still need to post some pictures. We are going camping this weekend with the family, we both took Friday and Monday off so it is going to be a sweet weekend. Please blog more, I seriously check the blog 25 times a day to keep me sane at work.

Love you all



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