Monday, July 24, 2006

Happy Pioneer Day!

Geof., the babies, and I have been up in Logan for the past 3 days or so. It's been wonderful. We came up for my cousin's wedding in SLC on Friday, watched the new Joseph Smith movie, and then have been staying at my brother's ever since. It's so nice and relaxing to be here. Plenty of room, a huge backyard, and a ton of cousins for Cole to with. Mindi, as for funny stories, I don't know. They happen all the time. I need to write the funny things Cole says more often so I can post them. I might have said this before but it made such an impact on me that I'll post it. Geof. and I were having a discussion, and our voices were a bit raised (okay, we WERE yelling). Afterward we were quiet and Cole comes up to me and says "Mommy, do you love Daddy?" It was a little hard to say yes at that moment since I was pretty bugged but I told him "ofcourse I love Daddy". And he says, "Well then why do you yell at him?" It was so sweet. We need to be examples to our kids! My parents fought A LOT in front of us and I vowed I wouldn't do that to my kids. So far I've been a failure. Okay, not quite but I'm not doing my best. Although Cole's a stinker a lot of the time, he sure does have a special side to him. He teaches me soo much. Well. I'll try to post some pics of our day up in the Canyon. It's so gorgeous up here! I never thought I'd like Utah, but for the price of living, you can't beat the beauty. ~D~


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